
Active Member
right suspension still knacked but is sitting in a medium height position so have been driving it about for around a week just here and there short runs DONT TRUST IT and this morning coming down to junction braking it cuts out!! took ages to start got it going braking at next junction same thing cuts out and then took 15mins to get it started again in rush hour traffic!!!!
what can it be now will this thing ever work!!! iv had it
where would that be then james and what does it look like i have very little knowledge of engines
Im not experienced on that engine never seen it with my own eyes! But all you would need to do is take it off clean it up carefully with electrical cleaner/wd40 etc and replace with a possible ecu reset, hopefully someone will guide you better and locate this for you.

When you come of the accelerater the icv comes into play to know how much air to feed for correct tick over. also at tick over point all the other times

something simular to this-

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