I do have a rumble around the 30-40 danger zone, and then again just over 50 (when the LUC is about to come on full lock) so it is on its way....just can't do that at the moment with Crimbo round the corner, so lets hope the fluid change will last a few months and I'll look at the work in the early months of next year!

A vehicle lift would be awesome, don't think they'll go for it though!

When you dropped your box out, did you drop it with the Transfer Box attached and how easy was it to get to all the bell housing bolts??

i have just been looking at heavy duty see saw or display ramps, £500 would get you a nice one with good resale value when you are finished

i had a look over my old post, cant believe it took me 10 pages just to pluck up courage to start the job, have a look at the link below.

The bell housing bolts weren't an issue i dont think although i did have a loony.
you need to unbolt the TC through a little window i recall which wasnt hard but a two man job.

once the exhaust pipes and heat shields are out the way and the air intake plenum you can see loads more what you need to do.

we lowered on a motorcycle lift after making a jig which i think i still have and then transferred to just a little trolley so we could clear the engine on the way out



IMG_1477 - Copy.jpg

oh happy days ............

i cannot stress enough though how much of a contribution loony was, my biggest contribution was buying a dudd in the first place and then financial backing:)
Ant when was the last time you changed the oil and filter mate.

Engine Oil and Filter was last summer, Gearbox fluid has been changed 3 times now....first was Jan 2013 then again in July 2013 and now Nov 2014...

GB Filter was changed Jan 2013 and Nov 2014.
Engine Oil and Filter was last summer, Gearbox fluid has been changed 3 times now....first was Jan 2013 then again in July 2013 and now Nov 2014...

GB Filter was changed Jan 2013 and Nov 2014.

Looks like a yearly jobbie then....
Ant, will happily lend a hand for a day if/when you decide to do it if you need a spare pair of hands, tea maker/ PI&& taker :)
Ant, will happily lend a hand for a day if/when you decide to do it if you need a spare pair of hands, tea maker/ PI&& taker :)

May have to take you up on that when the inevitable happens....plus Andy and his Loon :D:D:D:D

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