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Hi I mabe put this in the wrong place the first time so bear with me if you have seen it before. I am an 18 year old wanting to get into land rover ownership. There are several reasons 1. I have always wanted one since i was about seven since where i come from you see one at least once a day, 2. cheap insurance, 3. I find moderen cars so dull and stupifingly easy to drive i need a challenge to keep me awake at the wheel. I am looking for advice on a series three for between £2000 and £3000 ie petrol, desiel, soft top, hard top, truck cab etc. I am a marine engineering student so have some mechanical knowledge and tools. Advice please. :):confused:
Series 3 2.25 petrol, get an 80s model well looked after and you should only be looking around the 2.5k mark, great fun to drive and with the ability to change onto LPG later on not all that expensive, especially if you take into account how many miles you will actually do a year if your at sea, i do 28/28 on/off and do a max of 4k a year
Cheap insurance? Where from haha

Mine will cost £1200 a year fully comp once I passed my test (I'm 18 as well and have a series 3 diesel)
I bought a S3 just over a couple of years ago. Similar situation to you.
I eventually decided I wanted a later S3 if possible (stronger 5 main bearing engines) and ideally a galvanised chassis (good foundation to improve from).
In the end I found I had to spend a little more than my £3k budget to get one with the galvanised chassis but I'm glad I did. Everything I have done since has been done to something with a guaranteed future (You wouldn't pay to put double glazings in a house with subsidence underway).
It's always down to budget though in the end but there have been some S3s with galvy chassis for sale just under / around the £3k mark
£1,200 is cheap for 18 with you as the policyholder, I was quoted £2k to add my 18 year old to a ten year old Peugeot 307, haven't got quotes for the s3 yet
I was qouted by aviva fully comp for 10000 miles per year £550. Though I live in a town i the middle of nowear in the scottish highlands which nothing ever happens to cars in.
I was qouted by aviva fully comp for 10000 miles per year £550. Though I live in a town i the middle of nowear in the scottish highlands which nothing ever happens to cars in.

...but where drink-driving is rife! *hic*
Whatever you do dont rush into it...seen so many burn there finger by going in blind and being put of Landrovers for life,

If your not to well up on them take sombody who is with you to look at any that interest you,

What budget have you...dont buy cheap just for the sake of it unless its a real bargain,

Let us know how you go on....had mine nearly 40 years and still love it...bought it new when I was 23.

i was a novice and jumped in with both fet into a 109 truck cab series 2a with a perkins 4.203.

everything is great apart from perkins, so dam noisy and slow but trip to works limited by 50mph speed cameras so worked out out but not talking, no radio as its too bloody load.

i have not been put off as its a big meccano kit really chunky but just avaoid and old perkins diesel, cheers
Whatever you do dont rush into it...seen so many burn there finger by going in blind and being put of Landrovers for life,

If your not to well up on them take sombody who is with you to look at any that interest you,

What budget have you...dont buy cheap just for the sake of it unless its a real bargain,

Let us know how you go on....had mine nearly 40 years and still love it...bought it new when I was 23.

Thanks for the advice. I wont actually be buying the landy untill august as being a marine engineering student i will go away to sea very soon so there is no point having a vehicle that i wont drive for 4 months but would still have to pay insurance on an tax. I also have a freind who is a mechanic who has said he would come a take a look at the vehicles i was interested in and give his oppinon.:)

he hates landys but has a wife that loves them so a bound to get a honest oppion of the vehicles condition.
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Sorry may not have made this clear at the start I have a budget of £2000-3000 for the landy by itself i have excluded insurance from this and set aside about £500 for any things that imedatly need doing. When I actually get the landy I will have had my lisence for a full year and be 19.
ha good luck, i did 10 years with them in the supply fleet, ended up chief mate then decided to chase the dollar and left, enjoy your trip !!
Whatever you do dont rush into it...seen so many burn there finger by going in blind and being put of Landrovers for life,

If your not to well up on them take sombody who is with you to look at any that interest you,

What budget have you...dont buy cheap just for the sake of it unless its a real bargain,

Let us know how you go on....had mine nearly 40 years and still love it...bought it new when I was 23.

i was a novice and jumped in with both fet into a 109 truck cab series 2a with a perkins 4.203.

everything is great apart from perkins, so dam noisy and slow but trip to works limited by 50mph speed cameras so worked out out but not talking, no radio as its too bloody load.

i have not been put off as its a big meccano kit really chunky but just avaoid and old perkins diesel, cheers
I remember it being £64 per month when I was a cadet with Buries Markes mind you, insurance was a heady £22/year and beer was 15p/pint. Petrol was 11p/litre or 49.6/gallon.......and a shot of Red-X please!!

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