
After opening the bonnet, check that it is properly closed before moving ANYWHERE as when 35mph is reached it flips up, lands on roof, slides along and falls off behind vehicle making you look like a knob in front of your mates!!
had that happen on the m11 in a series 2, luckily didnt hit anyone and only one truck run it over, still fitted mind.
checked its closed ever since :) can happen to anyone fella :)
You wouldn't as it was utterly rubbish and not at all funny:eek:
Only went out to 'test' brakes down the track.....fekkin bonnet
LOL , Happend to me when I had my S11a , but it didnt fall off , just a lovely dent in my roof where the spare wheel mount smacked it . Its not funny at the time doing 50+
It happened to me once going up the M1 in a Ford Escort van - except the bonnet flipped up, broke the windscreen, and then stayed there - meaning I was suddenly doing 80mph without being able to see where I was going :( I swerved onto the hard shoulder and stood on the brakes - took several ciggies to get my heart rate back down!

if yer mounted yer spare wheel on there where it should be, ther that heavy it wont flip, mines been ok fer ages with no catch , with the spare mounted on, same with the series 2 :)
so the 90 actually runs?! on the 200tdi?

Not yet on the TD!
The TD runs lovely..I was shocked, the lad who sold me it said it had turbo or pump fault.
But on browsing the recipts for the 90, it had a rebuild in 03 and covered about 8ksince.
All that was wrong was kak in filter.:D
Changed that and she flies!
But gonna keep the 200tdi for a swap later on.
Going to my mates at the scrap yard down the road from me.
They gotta 90 in!!
Nice straight bonnet:D
Full exhuast in great condition, my back box rotted, to tight to buy a new one.
31x10 MTs on it, cant remember the right size. With good tread and no cracks, my mate wants them.
Some spats in good condition.
Complete TD engine.
few other bits, bit of a shocker no roof, doors or driver wing.
Tub ok.
On the A61 earlier the door flew open :D Leaning out at 60mph to shut a door whilst driving is definately a way to cure constipation :)
On the A61 earlier the door flew open :D Leaning out at 60mph to shut a door whilst driving is definately a way to cure constipation :)

That happened to me the first time I ever drove my series, turned 17 that day and on L plates:eek:...i won't forget that moment in a hurry!:D

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