It's been a while but the saga was eventually solved so. I thought that I should post an update so anyone with the same issue can make sure that it isn't the same cause. I didn't find the fault. The fault found me. I was still having the problem of not charging properly, No ignition or oil lights on start up. Oil pressure light started to flicker once warm (I had the pressure checked out and it was fine). Anyway whilst driving on a lane above Hawes we had a small incident. By incident I mean fire. Just a little fire in the wiring harness immediately below injector no. 1. I had nothing to put it out with other than a bottle of water not ideal for an electrical fire but better than letting her burn. The fire also melted the spill return pipe so there was diesel everywhere (at least diesel doesn't burn). we managed to roll down the lane back to tarmac and get recovered by the AA. So at least one of the wires in the harness must have shorted out against the engine or another wire. This eventually got hot enough to ignite the insulation and melt the spill pipe. Here's the result.
It was beyond me to sort it so she had to go in to a local garage for that bit rewiring. All sorted now.View attachment 215736

I 'liked' the post cos you got it sorted, not cos you nearly toasted your vehicle.

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