
New Member
Hello everyone,
New to Landyzone - only picked up my 2002 Discovery TD5 yesterday. And while I've read all about it, I had hoped it would take longer than 24 hours to find out that I had a leaking sunroof....
Just wondering whether there is anyone in Scotland - around Edinburgh or Inverness - who has the experience and could take on the repair?
Any suggestions welcome. I'm sure one will be to do it myself, but right now I am too busy.
Many thanks,
Do it yourself.:D

Seriously tho. Any garage will charge you a fortune, and in my view not do a proper job. Headlining has to be dropped. Search on here. Loads of good advice.
i'm about as mechanical as a goldfish, but managed to drop headlong and re-seal sunroofs. It really is easy. Google discovery 2 sunroof and follow the pics. Took me about 6 hours all together, but i got carried away and sealed everything, roofbars etc. A garage will charge the earth and no doubt do a **** job. Drying the carpets out was a chore, but wife was away so had free run of the house, radiators on max, carpets and underlay every where!
If you're willing to travel toward the Cumbernauld area, you can use my double garage and i'll give you hand.

Recently completed the job - its not difficult and rewarding when you do it yourself.
Thanks for the responses bigeeee, tillywoods and meego.
Chatted with a more mechanically minded friend last night and we'll tackle in the coming weeks. Helps to have knowlegeable people say that it is not as hard as it first seems!
Rained again overnight and found the drips on the rear parcel shelf cover, so its both, as I would have guessed from all that I've read.
By the way, is there one UK Discovery club, or many, and any one considered the best?
Cheers again for the help,
In the mean-time try putting vaseline all around the rim of the plastic sunroof surround to seal the gap between that and the roof metal . I did mine and hasn't leaked since. Worth a shot as a temporary fix till you can do the full job?
just befor you take it all to bits if u get undoor her you will see 2 rubber bungs each side of the gear box make sure there free to let walter out mine was full of **** as soon as i cleand them out sun roof dint leak no more
Thanks again - AJ1980 and Tids - for the tips. Will do all you suggest and see how it goes. And Biggeeee, thanks very much for the advice and garage offer; plan to do the work up north. If plans change I will get in touch.
Very impressed with the friendliness of everyone on the forum.
Cheers for now,

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