
New Member
woke up this morning to find some **** has picked up a slab from the building work thats going on a few doors down from my house and put it on the bonnet of my disco, but in doing so they have bounced it off the top of the wing and put a lovely dent in it. some people really have small minds because who gets off on vandalising someone elses propertly. its disgusting and no point calling the police because they will turn up in 3 days time and can't do anything anyways. :mad:
:emps1: Sorry to hear m8, they need there limb's pulling off by dragging them behind the landy. Total and utter waste of life and breath :mil53:
exactly, the only positive to come out of it is they've given me reason to chequer plate the bonnet and fit a snorkel. but i hope they die a painful death or pull out on me one day so my disco can destroy their car lol
It is a ****er when it happens.

I had the same with a tos*er a few years back, the little darling took a boulder and smashed the front screen on my wifes car it bounced of and fu*ked the bonnet on my rally car.
I heard the noise and was out to see what was going on, wife called the police who when they came said they had an idea who the scumbag was, They went to his house in the morning pulled him from his pit for an interview down the station.

He squeeled like a pig and they had his jacket covered in glass, they charged the 16 year old darling with £1300 of criminal damage.
Great I thinks just wait till he comes to court.

Time goes by we heard nowt from the police or the court, wife phone the fiscal.

now for the great bit.



The point is if you think you know who sort it yourself don't waste your time. send they boys round.


How about cutting their benefits to the princely sum of £0. Maybe then they would have to, god forbid, get a job!
How about cutting their benefits to the princely sum of £0. Maybe then they would have to, god forbid, get a job!

A job!! whey would just nick more stuff to get cash for drugs.

The cops should have licence to kick the sh*t out of them for the first offence and put them down for the second.
We should also adopt the Nigerian model, catch the bast**d and slip a car tyre over head, a gallon of petrol and woof. the ohers think twice.

A job!! whey would just nick more stuff to get cash for drugs.

The cops should have licence to kick the sh*t out of them for the first offence and put them down for the second.
We should also adopt the Nigerian model, catch the bast**d and slip a car tyre over head, a gallon of petrol and woof. the ohers think twice.

i think its called a soweto necklace :D south african origin !
That really takes the ****.

Some knob rash trashed my mates 110 today, ripped off a wiper, launched a scaffolding joint at passenger door taking paint off leaving a tidy dent and put a massive key line down drivers side... It must of been a group of local vermin just out to be a group of bell ends since they can't afford anything nice they don't want anyone else to have the privilege.

It would of made more sense if they had tried to nick it or contents out of the car not just vandalise it.
well as a result of the damage i've decided its now time to fit chequer plate to the bonnet which will cover up the dent although just for the sake of it i'll tap the dent out first, then i'm thinking because its already green i'm going to roller paint it Satin Nato Green when the weather picks up, seen plenty of defenders painted that colour so thought might aswell paint a disco that colour too and it'll be a bit more hard wearing than the factory paint.

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