tom bola

New Member
I ordered a wee part a week past Saturday from the other supplier. Was told it would be in the post on the Monday. It's still no here. :mad:

I stopped ordering from them ages ago because they always took so long to send the stuff out. £7 postage too for something that is probably in a padded envelope. :mad:

Any others fed up with them? They are gonna get a stinking email when it eventually arrives.
7 of yer british pounds money fook me!!! paddocks send owt over here fer only 5 of your inglish pounds sterling
only if ya buy ont interwebthingey - if yu ring em its more - and if they furget to send it - its an arm and a leg jobby:eek::eek:
Noting in the post this morning. I called them. They called back an hour later blaming the courier who will now call me, if the parcel is on their van for delivery.

Craddocks kept sending me the wrong stuff. Beamends charged for next day delivery and dint send it next day cos it want in stock. I didn't find out till 5 o'clock the next day when I rang them to find out where it was after staying in all day waiting. Paddocks possibly caused internet fraud on my card, but have been the most reliable so far, except for Stratstones who are very efficient and polite, not as expensive as you might think, and you don't pay postage.
ave only used paddocks and some english **** in france that sent fookin sealed beams fer headlights which int a lot of good here. so i phoned him and told him. he then sent one!, yes one! fooking replacment.
dint use him again.
Have had a few bits off paddocks with no probs. Was recomended to me by a mate who's had loads of gear of em also without problems:)
i've hads several bits off both padds and crads with no problems at all.
its not unknown for scammers to bring a popular site down then replace it with exactly the same except the money goes to the scammer

not a new scam either years ago popular mail order adverts in major newspapers were hit, the scammers rang the papers got just the P.O. box number changed, then set there own up, collected the cheques cash PO orders

Some where clever enough only to change a few paper adverts hence the companies often never knew, until the complaints from trading standards came in

Its been done with phone numbers as well, double check the phone number with different mags ring instead of using "tinertenet"
It was the right number. I got the doooor guy Weeeellllcccooom toooo Joooohn Craaaddddooooocks preeess ooone iiif yyooou wwaaant tooo wwaaaait fffooooor twoooo weeeekkkks fffoooorr yyyooouuur wwwiiiing miiiirrrrooorr.....
when i had my 90 i ordered a set of 2" springs.from paddocks.when they arrived i had pair of 2 ". and 2 normal.when i complained they sent the same out again .pair of 2" and pair of normal. so i took the 4, 2".and their courier picked up the 4 normal springs.:rolleyes:simmonites were quite good.and first four.rebel 4x4,were good on phone but the courier in bournemouth was useless i had to go and collect myself in end.
To hell with Craddocks. The mirror glass came yesterday, at last! But hats off tae mm4x4 - the alternator I ordered on Tuesday came yesterday too - the next day. Express delivery £8. Craddocks took £7 to deliver a wee bit o gless and it took 10 days!:eek:
Ordered a set of seats and a front bumper from paddocks yesterday. Got an e-mail saying it was despatched about 2hrs later. I've just checked on the couriers website and it's on the van for delivery today so it's possible it could be here within 24 hrs of ordering or not much longer snyway. And that's free delivery:)
To hell with Craddocks. The mirror glass came yesterday, at last! But hats off tae mm4x4 - the alternator I ordered on Tuesday came yesterday too - the next day. Express delivery £8. Craddocks took £7 to deliver a wee bit o gless and it took 10 days!:eek:

ah think you'll find that its not craddocks that do the delivery but some tulip from yer local depot of the courrier they use. have you tried to contact them and voice yer complaint about the delivery issue or have you bin too busy bleatin on here?

you nevver know you might get a few free deliveries off them like what i did with dhl when they lost box 1 of 2 from one of my deliveries
Anyhow, my contract is wi Craddocks no the courier. If Craddocks choose to send a pensioner on a donkey to save money when charging me the bloody earth, then is that no their look out? If mm4x4 and the likes of screwfix can get something to you the next morning then why cant they? Am no wastin ma precious time chasin some middle man (who probably communicates by a tin can and string anyhoo). I just wont be ordering from them again - only ordered the gless frae them cos thats where the mirror kits came from a couple o years back.

Rant ova. Hooray mm4x4 Now where's ma commission? hehe.
Paddocks manage to ship to me, in Germany, and they only charge a fiver normaly. Last package arrived today and I ordered it last Sun night (Bank Holliday weekend) four days! Dam good I'd say.

Have to agree on the quality of some spares though the rad cap I got was proper ****e, useless, tosh, cheap, leaky.......... well it wasn't good.
i ordered some bits off paddocks last thursday, he said t was a fiver fer normal delivery or 7 quid fer next day, he reckoned normal wouldnt get to me before the bank holiday, so i said "ok" i thought i can do other stuff while i wait fer me bits then crack on next weekend, 11 am friday, me bits arrived , cant fault em ;)
Ordered a set of seats and a front bumper from paddocks yesterday. Got an e-mail saying it was despatched about 2hrs later. I've just checked on the couriers website and it's on the van for delivery today so it's possible it could be here within 24 hrs of ordering or not much longer snyway. And that's free delivery:)
Update...... Checked on the courier's website at 5pm after nothing had arrived to find it said the stuff had been delivered. Had it **** so phoned the ****ers and they said it was a mistake. Then they phoned back to say according to their driver he'd delivered it and had it signed for. Had he ****! Anyway they have now promised me it will be here tomorrow, which somewhat admits that they haven't delivered it. While I wasn't really expecting it today I'm now well ****ed off and if it isn't here by dinnertime tomorrow I'm going to go ****in nuts:mad:

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