
Well-Known Member
My blue volvo v70 been nicked fron st radigunds area of dover during the week. its an x reg. Any you dover area lads see it can you let me know. Have idea who taken it, with keys taken from mine too.
Found and home. The gent decided to hand keys over and tell the nice men who were asking him where it was.
I got home from work to find my car had vanished. To be told after the toys been thrown out pram who prob had it.and they were right.
I got home from work to find my car had vanished. To be told after the toys been thrown out pram who prob had it.and they were right.

Glad you got it sorted. Not saying that you want to get your vehicle nicked again but peeps may need a little more info next time. I'm pretty sure you don't have the only blue x reg ovlov v70 in Dover.;):rolleyes::D
Glad you got it sorted. Not saying that you want to get your vehicle nicked again but peeps may need a little more info next time. I'm pretty sure you don't have the only blue x reg ovlov v70 in Dover.;):rolleyes::D

My logers mate pocketed keys when he was up last.then decided to take care during week. Needless to say as soon as someone said he had been seen acting funny hiding late other night things slotted into place.paid him a little visit and he gave keys over and told us where it oarked.all within 3 hours me finding it gone. polie were not asked to ttend for obvious reasons
Not sure how much you like your lodger, but if he has friends that do things like this then it's time to get yourself a new lodger:eek:
Not sure how much you like your lodger, but if he has friends that do things like this then it's time to get yourself a new lodger:eek:

Loger sound. known him years. His now ex friend wouldnt dare come near mine again. not after friday night
My logers mate pocketed keys when he was up last.then decided to take care during week. Needless to say as soon as someone said he had been seen acting funny hiding late other night things slotted into place.paid him a little visit and he gave keys over and told us where it oarked.all within 3 hours me finding it gone. polie were not asked to ttend for obvious reasons

My previous experience has shown me that it can be quicker to sort matters like this out yourself.:(
My previous experience has shown me that it can be quicker to sort matters like this out yourself.:(

Oh yes. much better results. Didnt want get old bill or anything envolved until we could confirm he hadnt done it. He had so no prob. Couldnt afford to make two insurance claims in 6 months. especially if would both been total loss.
The only problem comes when the police turn up at your door informing you that your vehicle has been used to ram raid Buckingham Palace, and you haven't reported it stolen.
The only problem comes when the police turn up at your door informing you that your vehicle has been used to ram raid Buckingham Palace, and you haven't reported it stolen.

From amount of tuel in it it not been far.reciept for£30 on floor. still got quarter tank and was on fumes when i last used it. ill just go brake the theiving ****ers fingers if i get anything come thru. He not got sence to do anything anyhows. Aparantly he dun same before. just takes em and drives round the town.then parks up. He a bit simple. Atleast i know there no speed cameras in dover and only one around dont usually work (from persional experience) I didnt no it been taken officer. please look at my van tracker and see where i been all week
I hope he was rewarded with a swift hoof in the nads.

At least you got £30 of fuel out of the tw#t. Good one.

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