These forums are a complete waste of time. As a newbie you come to these sort of sites initially to find advice about a problem that someone may have experienced before and can share. Yet no reply to my original posting. Ok, it may be that those people have viewed the post have no experience but its a common problem, law of averages maybe?
Anyway that is not my point. I read a recent post from another new person who was pretty much insulted by a member. The impression I get is that this is a 'jolly old boys club' where new members are not welcome.
I could be completely wrong and I'm sure there will be a response but the response may well prove my point.

I have no interest in this site, the advice I sought, I have obtained elsewhere.

I am a fairly newish newbie :D and have to disagree with you...these forums are not a waste of time. I looked at the thread you were contributing to and it seems like a bad intro and question led to teasing then got nasty.

Though not everyone's cup of tea, there is a sticky which clearly stipulates that the guys here tease and joke a lot and if you can't handle that, then do not join.

I am not saying that it's ok to be teased or not....I personally joke a lot but help as much as I can.

Some guys do post in some threads just to tease and joke but at the end if the day you will get your answers.

I might have something to say to someone but it ends there, we could be in another thread and you can't tell we had a run in a few mins ago, don't hold grudge and do not believe in enemies unless they fight to be one.

Don't bash the forums because of a single thread that went haywire, I am sure you will have a lot more to benefit from than running away.

Cheers Mate and hang in.:)
I am a fairly newish newbie :D and have to disagree with you...these forums are not a waste of time. I looked at the thread you were contributing to and it seems like a bad intro and question led to teasing then got nasty.

Though not everyone's cup of tea, there is a sticky which clearly stipulates that the guys here tease and joke a lot and if you can't handle that, then do not join.

I am not saying that it's ok to be teased or not....I personally joke a lot but help as much as I can.

Some guys do post in some threads just to tease and joke but at the end if the day you will get your answers.

I might have something to say to someone but it ends there, we could be in another thread and you can't tell we had a run in a few mins ago, don't hold grudge and do not believe in enemies unless they fight to be one.

Don't bash the forums because of a single thread that went haywire, I am sure you will have a lot more to benefit from than running away.

Cheers Mate and hang in.:)

Good post :)

Especially the part about not holding grudges.

One other point......On the thread in question one of the 'jolly old boys club' was given a holiday for his contribution but generally a robust sense of humour will avoid banter becoming nasty.

If you've not got a robust sense of humour you're probably not only on the wrong're probably driving the wrong vehicle as well :crazy_driver:
Good post :)

If you've not got a robust sense of humour you're probably not only on the wrong're probably driving the wrong vehicle as well :crazy_driver:
I bloody am!!!!!!!
5 months in a mundano and nothing has gone wrong...................I lie SWMBO pressed the lickle button on the HiFi and it stopped working :eek:
Good post :)

Especially the part about not holding grudges.

One other point......On the thread in question one of the 'jolly old boys club' was given a holiday for his contribution but generally a robust sense of humour will avoid banter becoming nasty.

If you've not got a robust sense of humour you're probably not only on the wrong're probably driving the wrong vehicle as well :crazy_driver:

Thanks blue. No point in poisoning yourself with grudge and hatred. I did see Dr. Evil get sent to prison for a while stemming from the same thread.

I learned not to argue, so when I post some facts and some dum dums argue, I let them be and ignore the thread. Some times I will post proof for the OPs benefit.

Can't wait to drive the wrong vehicle :clap2:

Cheers mate.
Crashbox a lot of mates there looking at your every post, they did not allow that one to slide at all :)
Please. Not everyone here has the luxury to joke and tease and eschew the serious. Some of us are members of the last super power on this earth and are loathe to be anything but diligent, composed and stoic within the responsibility of that huge, but bearable burden.

Here's some words to ponder from the super power to the ****y noob.

Your either with us or against us. And either way, we win.

You can now return to your frivolity.
Please. Not everyone here has the luxury to joke and tease and eschew the serious. Some of us are members of the last super power on this earth and are loathe to be anything but diligent, composed and stoic within the responsibility of that huge, but bearable burden.

Here's some words to ponder from the super power to the ****y noob.

Your either with us or against us. And either way, we win.

You can now return to your frivolity.

Thought you were a Merkin?:confused: Why are you talking like you are British?

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