
Active Member
Well I posted the other day about a clogged up second hand oil cooler for a p38 diesel. Which I managed to clean, but it has all been a bad job.

Went to fit it last night as had some oil on the drive (in trouble, silent type with you know who) in the dark and hail with a torch. Crossed the thread on one of the pipes.

So home sharpish tonight, removed, filed thread and refitted. All seemed good, cleaned up and started. Sounded good lifted the bonnet and saw oil coming out from under the car and a squealing noise starting to come from the engine, sounded like top. Dashed to key to switch off, noticed oil light on.

Has lost at a guess between 4 to 6 litres of oil. Feel sick and numpty.

So do I just call the scrap man, refit oil pipe (oil filter end) fill with oil and see what happens. Should I lift out the cam and have a look at the bearing surface. Not the easy job, not like the b20/21 engines that have seized on me in 240 Volvos. They both seized at the same set of traffic lights on a junction on the m25, couple of years apart...... I don't go that way any more.

Might see if I can find an engine and one was available November time but living on Jersey expect it has gone...... grrrrrrrrr aaaagggggghhhhh. Bl****dy idiot I am.

Sorry, any thoughts, suggestions?
As it didn't actually seize on you whilst running I'd be tempted to sort out the oil leak and pour a bottle of slick 50 in it along with fresh oil and pull the stop solenoid wire to stop it firing and spin her over a few times to prime it up and see what happens, might get you mobile again while you are hinting for an engine?

Out of curiosity, would the M57 3ltr be a direct swap for an M51?

If you can't find a P38 engine then I'm told that a BMW 2.5 diesel will do and you just swap over your hardware from the Land Rover and you're good to go, not 100% on that but it opens up your options as I think a 525D is maybe an easier find than an P38 DSE?
Thanks for the replies, will investigate oil pressure, have a mechical gauge in the garage. Can I take out the oil pressure senor out and put in the mechanical gauge. Another engine would be nice but getting one to Jersey and just at the moment under pressure at work. (Was hoping to get car ready for disappearing to France for a few days). Not sure what will do but will go through it first.
Think vauxhall carlton used these engines aswell....If the oil pipes ar any thing like gear box cooler pipes ,there is a rubber sealing ring goes on the end of the pipe ,so you do not have to go crazy tight with the nuts...
Think vauxhall carlton used these engines aswell....If the oil pipes ar any thing like gear box cooler pipes ,there is a rubber sealing ring goes on the end of the pipe ,so you do not have to go crazy tight with the nuts...
Vauxhall omega, I don't think the carlton had a 6 pot diesel.
I don't even think the senator had the 6 pot diesel

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