i'd go with what Ratty has suggested.... then 6 months after they've paid up and landy is restored i'd get a couple of unknown mates to bundle the little ****s into a back of a van take them somewhere remote and scare the fecking daylights out of them:mad:
landyzone outing

we could have a "find your way back from the middle of salisbury plain in the dead of a december night wearing just your pants" competition. take them all out there, set them free. 1st one to the rendezvous point gets their clothes back before having to make their own way home, the others just have to make their way home.
we could have a "find your way back from the middle of salisbury plain in the dead of a december night wearing just your pants" competition. take them all out there, set them free. 1st one to the rendezvous point gets their clothes back before having to make their own way home, the others just have to make their way home.

... or the middle of the Peak District .. not too far from where they live, just to give 'em a chance, like .. ;)
Not exactly sure about this but just passing on the thought. The loss of no claims bonus is tied to if the damage is your own fault which in this case it is not. I think some insurance companies (might only be with fully comp) take the line that they will pay for the repairs to get you back on the road then take the perpetrators to court to reclaim the garage fees, their fees, solicitors fees and the court costs.
They would only take this line if there is a Police incident recorded and you would have to provide all evidence to the court.
Otherwise the is the Motor Insurance Bureau which deals with losses against uninsured drivers who may be able to help/advise http://www.mib.org.uk/
Thanks for how helpful everyone has been. They've got til Friday before the police get informed and insurance involved job lot. Got the quotes from stealership to get them to do it, but they are welcome to try and find a cheaper quote, but for no worse workmanship.
Can't get them done for driving without a license, insurance or drink driving because it all happened on private land.
Private land shouldn't make any difference if they were doing it without consent. That was the change in the law they made to be able to collar the boy racers in car parks.
Private land shouldn't make any difference if they were doing it without consent. That was the change in the law they made to be able to collar the boy racers in car parks.

Not quite. Law states that. "Land to which the public would normally have access is classed as a public highway" so all pub/supermarket carparks etc have the same status as a public highway for vehicle offences and insurance purposes. Also makes it impossible for ya insurance company to try and get out of paying for any accident that happens in one.
Ahh that makes it more complicated. The house also has businesses on the property. But, access is normally stopped at that time with all gates closed. So thats a very interesting thing for me to look at.

Thanks more guys.
UPDATE: They've organised for a LR approved garage to pick it up tommorrow for the work to get done. Lets see if they actually turn up.
i hope they do turn up.if not plod and insurance company informed.or a private prosecution might be the way forward??.
One bit of advice, Have the little scrots pay for the quote up front, the last thing you want is your landy getting fixed, them ****ing off and you stuck with your landy in a stealership and a huge bill.
One bit of advice, Have the little scrots pay for the quote up front, the last thing you want is your landy getting fixed, them ****ing off and you stuck with your landy in a stealership and a huge bill.

In fact I'd throw in a visit by some mates from Catterick Camp if it happened to mine ...

Military plod or 5 Reg Royal Artillery??
I think the artillery with a few AS-90's would have them ****ting themselves quite nicely. :D

I also agree with Fielder, get them tw@ts to pay up front.

Hope the garage does show up. No-one should have to put up with having there vehicle wrecked.
It was bad enough when some little c*nt stole my motocross bike nearly a year ago - got it back, in a **** state (engine ****ed - chain snapped and gone through crank case, all sorts where also not right). Had to just cut my loss, sell it and buy another - lets just say this one kept a in a lockup, and it's chained to a steel building support thats concreted into the ground - awkward to get at when I want to go out riding on it, but it would take some stealing. Or I hope so at least.
Parents are informed. Thats the nonly reason its gonna end up getting paid for I reckon.

The garage they organised, when I rang about the pick up today. Phone conversation went like this...

"Hey, I'm rining about the landy your supposed to have coming in today. Reg numbers W....."
"Landies on record yep"
"Can I just check what work you've got down for it?"
"Sure, rear door freelander needs replacing and painting, front right wing freelander nee...."
"Hold on a second, its a deepender!"
"We don't deal with deependers sir. The boys that rang up booked it in as a freelander"
"Cancel it." And I hung up.

Turns out it was never a LR-approved garage.

Today I've ordered all the parts I need from the stealership, they're here tommorrow. Im doing the work myself. And its getting sprayed by a company that I know of which does full resprays for porsches, mercs, bmws and the like. They have till Friday til pay (which I've said all along). Then it becomes a police, and small claims court matter.

Thanks again for the support all of you.

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