
New Member
Wasn't quite sure where this wanted to I gave it a crack here!

Last Saturday day time. I'm parked down at tesco, reversed into a spot like a nice, good little boy, and went in to buy my fags and porno. When I come out, someones managed to put a rear windown out! God knows how as there was no damage to the rear door. That was the first thing to go wrong.

Last Saturday night, sister decided to have a party, in the course of which her friends decided it was OK to steal my spare keys while I was in bed, and repeatedly drive my landy backwards into a wall, and forwards into another. In the process nearly running over two of their other friends. Damage?
1. Rear door dented in so bad it won't shut.
2. Both rear quarter panels dented in so bad it needs replacement.
3. Top of the door frame will bend out, but is bent in at the moment.
4. Front drivers side wing needs repainting and has a huge dent in it.
5. Very ****ed off neighbours (who are unfortunately members on here) as when they reversed into the wall, it nearly knocked a trailer that was leant against it onto their landy!
6. Sheared winch rope

Now we've caught the little scrotes on CCTV, and know exactly who it is. But I have a question for the wisdom of landyzone. Do I....
a. Get the prices for repair from stealership, benefit from theire "expertise", let them do it and the scrotes pay?
b. Get the prices for repair from stealership, get it done on the cheap, benefit from the scrotes giving me about an extra grand :p
c. Give the scrotes what it'll cost me to fix it myself with parts, and then just get it painted up on the repaired areas?

And now lastly, was driving home last night through Sheffield. All of a sudden, battery warning light comes on. Lil-landy thinks "uh oh, might pull over in a minute to have a look at this".

So I goes to change lane for the roundabout, powersteering goes as I'm changing lane, lil-landy thinks "Crap, lets pull over after this roundabout".

About another 10m, slowing down for the roundabout, brakes go all hard, servo goes. Lil-landy thinks "Crap, lets definately pull over after this roundabout."

Goes to accelerate out onto the roundabout, engine revs start jumping, engine management light comes on. Lil-landy thinks "Sh1t". Bang goes the engine. And I'm sat right in the middle of the roundabout p1ssing off the taxis. Enough battery to run the hazards, but they're running at different timings and getting dimmer all the time. Try to turn the engine over, and all you get is that amazing little clicking noise.

So now I'm sat here, with a dented and broken landy. No idea whats wrong with it because out of all the things that went last night, I can't think how any of them are connected. Not a happy bunny.

Sorry for the long post, I guess I needed to vent.
bastards,make them pay top dollar mate.they nicked yer landy,caused all that damage and could have killed someone.teach them a hard lesson then they won't do it again will they.:mad::mad:
make them pay for all repairs on yer motor including the ones that happened on the roundabout.... threaten them with the law if they don't comply....... get some mates together and bust some knees or at least some fingers
Insurance may query what has caused the later faults so needs to be identified (?battery,alternator) then stuff them for the lot. Get it done proper cos you wern't expecting the money so might as well have the 100% job as its a nice feeling knowing its all good when done! No loss to you unless you are desperate for the money.

Oh and feed sister to the lions:D:D
**** that! Make em pay full Stealership prices or threaten to go to plod with your CCTV... If they don't care, remind them that getting a job with a Criminal record can be a bit hard ;) What they looking at? Taking with out consent? Vadelism? Driving without insurance?

At a guess, from what you have said you are looking at a new tub (Not cheap for a 110SW), new rear door and new front wing = £££££. Stick some pictures up! Also the damage from them driving into a wall obviously caused the engine to fail (Damaged the wiring did't they ;))
Thanks for the support guys!

Well it is adding up to ££££ for the repair, definately into 4 figures, thats for the bodywork. I'm hoping the fault from this is related to them, but can't fairly pin the blame on them until I know whats caused it. Piccies? I'll try! Card reader doesn't seem to be working on the computer tho.

Trying to work on it at the moment, came inside to warm up (driveway repairs) but it won't let me disconnect the battery, even if I do the disconnection sequence (position II, then back to 0, remove key, disconnect within 15 seconds) without setting off the alarm. So I'm beginning to think the ECU may be slightly ****ed. Which ****es me off because I had to get a new one not 2000 miles ago.
**** that! Make em pay full Stealership prices or threaten to go to plod with your CCTV... If they don't care, remind them that getting a job with a Criminal record can be a bit hard ;) What they looking at? Taking with out consent? Vadelism? Driving without insurance?

They've already agreed to pay whatever the cost. No need for threats, anymore. But originally it was a threat to go to plod with CCTV, they'd be looking at TWOC, criminal damage and something to do with endangering human life.

They hit one of their mates on the shoulder which was lucky he wasn't killed. Nearly hit another when he jumped out the back. And the last one was someone (can't tell who on the video) went out to stop them and stood in front of the landy waving his arms and shouting. When they saw him instead of braking, they accelerated. Missed him by about an inch from the video. May of hit him. But we can't find out who it is to find out for sure, they said they were too drunk to remember.

Can't get them done for driving without a license, insurance or drink driving because it all happened on private land.

EDIT!!! I'll see if I can upload the bit of the video where they look like they hit him.
am i missing a point ere ?

you said you got them on CCTV right ?

why not just report it to the police (so the scrotes get done) and claim on yer insurance (so yer landy gets sorted)
Jeez I would have killed them all. Tell your sister SHE is personally responsible, it might teach her to consider the company she keeps better. Why did she sit back and let them do this to your landy?

I also consider that ALL the damage done was as a result of them ramming the landy into walls - so hit them with the full bill.

I would be inside for manslaughter if someone had done this to my beloved old landy, what are your parents and sister saying about it?
am i missing a point ere ?

you said you got them on CCTV right ?

why not just report it to the police (so the scrotes get done) and claim on yer insurance (so yer landy gets sorted)

if he claimed on his own insurance sean it would increase his premium next time.just make them pay to have it repaired properly.
if he claimed on his own insurance sean it would increase his premium next time.just make them pay to have it repaired properly.

fair point, but are the kinda ****s who do that sorta thing to a mate likely to have enough money to pay ?

still think it should be reported to plod, might teach the little sh1ts a lesson before they kill someone next time
fair point, but are the kinda ****s who do that sorta thing to a mate likely to have enough money to pay ?

still think it should be reported to plod, might teach the little sh1ts a lesson before they kill someone next time

i know what you mean about the plod,but i think it has been established that they will pay for all repairs.we will just have to hope that it is the case.parents informed at the least.
They've already agreed to pay whatever the cost. No need for threats, anymore. But originally it was a threat to go to plod with CCTV, they'd be looking at TWOC, criminal damage and something to do with endangering human life.

Might still be worth reporting to Police ... what happens when the quotes are for £2.5k and the scrotes won't pay up?

Why not just go the Police and Insurance route? .. it's a decent Landy and there's a chance they could have fecked it good and proper .. bent front chassis rails might have sent an engine mount off-centre and fecked the Alternator, drive-belt, Power Steering, anything ... not worth the continual hassle for you to do it yourself, IMHO.

**** the scrotes, you owe them nothing but grief and humiliation.

In fact I'd throw in a visit by some mates from Catterick Camp if it happened to mine ...
Ha. Well the reason no mates from Lympstone (its a little tougher than Catterick) have been to visit yet is because if they don't pay up, then its time to go to the plod, and I ain't getting landed with that.

Chassis was due to be checked on Monday but will have to wait until i get it fixed now. And its a decent landy? This is a better newer one than the one on the laning day! Grrrr.....

Parents are informed all around. My parents were OK about it. CCTV footage shows I was nowhere near, and actually came out in a towel at the end of it all cos I'd been in bed sleeping. Sister, well I have no idea what her punishment is. Not really talking to her!

No idea what they're parents are doing to them.
so .... in 3 months time when you've realized the culprits can't/won't pay ..... you tell plod

do you really think they will be at all arsed to do anything ?

report it, and let the insurance pay - sure it might cost you a little more in premiums for a while - but you could be looking at £1000s to repair it properly, and as said before do you want to be doing the repairs ?
ok,i have changed my mind on this.yes go and tell plod and get it repaired through your insurance.that way it will be done properly and too spec.let the bastards who did this get the punishment they so obviously deserve.if you dont go down this route,tell your insurance anyway.just to be on the safe side,just in case it goes tits up.
Sorry to **** on the bonfire but there is a good chance the insurance may not pay out. As the people involved were 'invited' into the house the insurance may say that it's not their responsibility.

Go to plod. Tell them that you have the video evidence but you didn't take it with you. Make the statement but don't hand the evidence over. That way it's recorded if the scrotes involved don't pay up, but the police don't have the evidence to prosecute if you should change your mind.

Then take your landy to a landrover approved bodyshop and get a written quote. Give the people invloved a copy of the quote and a 7 day period to pay. If they don't pay, then hand over a copy of the cctv to the police. If they do pay it then you can drop the charges and the police have insufficient evidence to carry on without it.

With the evidence in your hand, you are able to take the perpatrators to court to claim back the costs involved with repairing your landy. You will get your landy paid for one way or the other but it would be quicker to extract it direct from them or their parents than it will be to take it to court.


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