just looking at the spread sheet and there was one for numbers in car and food requirements?

i cant seem to find it now, anyone kno where it is?

ignore me.... i'm an idiot... just found my error...
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Sorry I haven't pm'd everyone like I said I would been flat out with work and the new house.

If everyone could pay the charity donation by the 29th please. I'll try and get a pm to everyone this week but not promising. All other money to be paid to me (or a designated collector) on the weekend of the trip.
Tis all very well but now I gotta find some more ballast :rolleyes:

Selfish blurdy wimmins :mad:

Sorry BB! Didn't mean to upset you so but Mini Mandy also has her degree show in June and I would have struggled to do both trips so I opted to stay put and go do this course and catch up with what's happening in the rest of the world.
I'll be in the UK for a couple of weeks in June so maybe me'n'Mini can come along as ballast on another trip.
Hope you forgive me
:lol: so she will be willin to camp and go lanin :D

Yeah but she thinks everyone here are miserable fat bastids.......dunno where she got that from :D:D

Sorry BB! Didn't mean to upset you so but Mini Mandy also has her degree show in June and I would have struggled to do both trips so I opted to stay put and go do this course and catch up with what's happening in the rest of the world.
I'll be in the UK for a couple of weeks in June so maybe me'n'Mini can come along as ballast on another trip.
Hope you forgive me

Sorry I'm busy in June........ :Cry::p