Put my name down but managed to do it twice on the drivers list, is anyone ble to amend the list as it wouldn't let me change it.
1.craigyb - 90 oh no not my paintwork
2.richy - 2011 90 what scratches??
3.4x4olive - 90 my paint..... i'll go down anyway
4.josh - 90 cant scratch this
5.110woman - td5 110...scratchier the better
6.jamesmartin - with a disco 2 that doesnt like scratchy
8.ratty and ballast - td5 110 would prefer to keep some paint on my landy
9.blue beasty- 109 and not worried so long as some panels don't get ripped off
10. Deasy
11.nick2303 - disco that loves scratchy and a mrs that dont
12.pikey and minty immaculate 110 I'll sue ya if ya get it dirty..
21. Evil and associated midget (tbc) - 2 seat pickup/ 4 seat van/ 7 seat disco (dependant, on mood/which runs)
22 mudfever & mr- already keyed up
23 Big Si
24 Tazz070299
25 Mucky D & missus
26 3.5efi
27 Sirus - 110SW worried about me paintwork
28 Drewster
29 Paul D
30 gratch - disco 1 (tbc)
32 BGB - I dont care, just get me out of the USA!
33 Hamsterberg - not worried about anything
34 Wilkshake - 110 CSW better get my CB fitted then
35 chunkymunk y- not so scratchy
36 forgottenpoppy- already scratched and duffed up
37 Accywingy and Ballast 90 comes pre scratched
38 Roy Disco, needs scratching
39 DavidSally -
40 Joelc - Who needs paint?
41 rob - ill go first
42 Alan - no scratches?? No fun
43 KaWaK n co
44. Martin1512
45. Snifflebag and Mrs Snifflebag
46. Callum-D90
47. topcat
48. ant7
49. pocketrocket
50. Bugger me aka baggyjim
51. 90boy happy tp lead a group on scratchy more interesting lanes
52. Bobdog popping back to dorset to get all my paint back!
53. windyone
ive already put you on the list windy. theres a link to the spreadsheet on the first page of this thread, if you could fill in where relevant please ;)
Done it freddy.

Off the mark already :D

Will have details about food options for the saturday night by the end of the weekend. Bacon butties will be arranged for those who want them sat/sun morning. ( no they ain't free ) and all payments in GBP ;) :D
I have, today, made enquiries about a discounted group booking of the camp site/ B&B. I hope no-one else has ???
Bit behind with LZ . Last time i heard anything about this trip , things were a bit on hold til enquiries were made with police etc.... Do i take it we got news back if we're collecting money ...is it definitely happening then :confused:
Bit behind with LZ . Last time i heard anything about this trip , things were a bit on hold til enquiries were made with police etc.... Do i take it we got news back if we're collecting money ...is it definitely happening then :confused:

Wasn't aware the police were involved:eek:?
I was waiting on hearing from air ambulance, which I did nobody told me to hold off:eek: