Thank you Craig and Paul and Pops, and Bump for leading us, had a great weekend :)

Was lovely to meet those I hadn't and see those I had again :) :)

Home sweet home and finally warm and clean yay!!!!
great weekend! thanks to Craig and all those who helped organize it, Bump for leading us and special thanks to mrs Snifflebag for providing more cake than i could eat, and most of all to Poppy who provided the entertainment by giving her landy a lie-down in a very deep puddle.... i did return the favour (deliberately.... obviously..... just to cheer her up.....) by getting my feet stuck in the mud beside her puddle, and having to be "winched" out myself.
a few pics and vids to post later
I've just got home. Big thank you to David, poppy and Paul for helping me and everyone for coming and making the trip happen. Hope you all had a good weekend.

Roll on the next 1 to Wales..........

Wicked weekend and thanks for the hollingclough route today!!! That was awesome!!!
Cracking lanes, awesome weekend. Sorry I didn't get to chat with peeps but by the time I'd got back I Just wanted to grab something to eat & collapse into me pit.. :eek:
BB giving it large on Hollingsclough

The 110 cocking a "leg" right behind him.

the 90 close behind..


88 following his big Bro up the lane..

Look guys Wheelie power.. :D

Things got serious when Topcats Pig escaped out of the back of his fender :D

Great Days lanin. ... few thanks Craig and Paul for organising mud fever for secret cupcake :p top cat for leading a great route, great company, was lovely Meetin new peeps great puttin faces tonames atlast and also catching up with old ones. ..poppy, mudfever, Freddy, tazz, hamsterberg, will not forget an lz special. ... It's getting a bit hot... there's smoke coming out of the bonnet. .. :eek: cueveryone stop. All out of vehicles. with fire extinguisher ...The poor lass thought she were gonna die :( false alarm steam from radiator. ..Thanks for the chips Steve and jo...;) Thanks goes to my other half for driving me round .... so I can enjoy a hobby I love without owning a landy :hug: :D
It got easier after I realised I could get my lad to hold the gear lever in 1st so I could use both hands to fight the steering wheel :doh::eek:

oh yes, i've had passengers do that for me several times... I also sometimes have to wedge a foot at a weird angle to keep it in Low Box too