Should be there between 7-8pm. Pushing it a little but should be enough time to get the marquee/tent up while it's still light
Looking forward to putting "names" to faces tomorrow, Looks like it could be awesome!!!!

Done some bits today that I wont bore you with, go on then, brake fluid change (black stuff didn't like getting hot). fitted cb. Don't know if that works yet (crackles 'n' stuff). diff guards. roof bar and 2 spots (for show).
Removed stuff from boot :). Got some of camping gear together.

Weather isn't looking bad, light winds,bit of sun with odd shower.
Those of us slumming it in tents will have a cold 'un' but should be dry for pitching and packing up :).

Finaly may I take this opportunity to say thankyou to everyone who has put the time and effort into this before I consume too much alcohol or it all goes tits up :rolly::lol:
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I still have alot of finishing off to do but it will be ready for 4:30 hopefully me too to come meet you all :p
We'll be leaving about 9.30ish will see you folks when we see you at t'other end ..... Unless we stop to eat ALL the cake .....:D