it will not be long till we have nothing

Yorkshire Dales National Park maintain the rights of on behalf of North Yorkshire County Council. the information on Trailwise to be useful and correct, although they appreciate that it does not address usability. It is, however, generally up-to-date with regard to the status and presence of any traffic regulation orders.

UID- SD 8174-01 HARBER/ SCAR LANE (Restricted byway - no rights for motor vehicles)
UID- SD 8278-01 HARBER/ SCAR LANE (Byway open to all traffic, but leads to the restricted byway section above)
UID- SD 8169-03 RIBBLE WAY (Restricted byway - no rights for motor vehicles)
UID- SD 8483-01 (Unsurfaced unclassified road but not certain of usability)
UID- SD 8062-01 (Outside the National Park - unsure of usability)
UID- SD 8061-01 (Outside the National Park - unsure of usability)
UID- SD 9065-02 (Permanent traffic regulation order in place)
UID- SD 9264-01 (Unsurfaced unclassified road but leads to Mastiles Lane which has a permanent traffic regulation order)
UID- SD 9365-01 MASTILES (Permanent traffic regulation order in place)
UID- SD 8565-01 GORBECK (Permanent traffic regulation order in place)
UID- SD 9268-01 ARNCLIFFE COTE (Bridleway - no rights for motor vehicles)
UID- SD 9066-01 " (Bridleway - no rights for motor vehicles)
UID- SD 9065-03 " (Byway open to all traffic leading to bridleway. Voluntary restriction in place not to use by motor vehicle)
UID- SD 8363-01 STOCKDALE LANE (Bridleway - no rights for motor vehicles)
UID- SD 8763-01 " (Bridleway - no rights for motor vehicles)
UID- SD 7896-01 THE HIGHWAY (Permanent traffic regulation order in place)
UID- SD 7096-01 BLUECASTER (Unsurfaced unclassified road - would suggest unsuitable for 4x4s in wet conditions)
UID- SD 6990-01 (Permanent traffic regulation order in place)
UID- SD 7363-01 CRAGG LANE (Outside the National Park - unsure of usability)
UID- SD 7263-01 " (Outside the National Park - unsure of usability)
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