Well this ain't looking good first time in a long while the north Yorkshire lanes links not on the first page ...... This is proof things are going stagnant , anyone got any updates on what theyve broken or added to there motors then ? Ive put my diff guards on the disco but that's about it , fenders still waiting on fuel pipes but ill get on with that need it ready for wales
Not really matt...

I did that caliper today and wired the spots up on my a bar... ooo and stuck my dads modulars on!!

Dunno why paul is selling his... He will regret it like he did with his 110... its a perfectly good motor as far as I can see!! unless there is something he aint telling us and its rotten?? :p :p
sounds like they having a good day on the lanes last report near rutland rig ,all lost traction up a hill ,time for the winch lol

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