ya got the bug now cez!!! you'll be gettin the p38 modded soon.. hahaha...



i can do 11th...... bit soon, maybe...
18th...... not easy but might be able to sort if needs be..
25th...... no can do, got all day gig to do..
2nd july.... can anyone wait that long!!!!

i welcome thoughts and comments before a final decision and startin a list..
i can wait till 2nd,,and maybe just maybe it will give the others chance to organise so they dont miss out,,and callums engine job on go,,maybe slot a holmfirth run in between,
i can wait till 2nd,,and maybe just maybe it will give the others chance to organise so they dont miss out,,and callums engine job on go,,maybe slot a holmfirth run in between,

Sounds good to me :) I'm up for a night run and hoping engin is nely done now :) just a bit of plumbing and wires to sort then mess about making an exhorts :)
What was it like for branches? Much of that horrible squeaking going on? Looks an awesome set of green lanes. Gutted I couldn't come! Any of you done the yorks dales before?
What was it like for branches? Much of that horrible squeaking going on? Looks an awesome set of green lanes. Gutted I couldn't come! Any of you done the yorks dales before?

lets see..hmmmmm.NO BAD BRANCHES ADAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..just one little tight spot but no squeakers
ere paul,shame you wasnt direct behind me,,couldnt really see how far i managed to lean my landy over ......felt like it was getting near to the tip point in cab..
Good to hear no trees! Look forward to getting up there some point! Role on dales trip. Hope there is no branches????
cool, we'll look at 2 july for hawes... gives me chance to sort out my springs n dampers..

so anyone wanna pick a date for holmfirth?

who's leading?

we doin it in eve again?
cool, we'll look at 2 july for hawes... gives me chance to sort out my springs n dampers..

so anyone wanna pick a date for holmfirth?

who's leading?

we doin it in eve again?

What about Thursday the 9th? Evening, I could lead... I have a map with lanes on?
I think i can do thurs 9th, I ain't to fussed 4 branches as a dustbin wagon ran in 2 the front of my 90 the other mornin. Just let me know a time n place.
[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmCqJrvsonA&feature=autoplay&list=ULH0WZvS6FAGw&index=13&playnext=1"]YouTube - ‪cam road steps 2.AVI‬‏[/nomedia] [nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8AeuGfHgUk&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL"]YouTube - ‪peble drive 2.AVI‬‏[/nomedia] 2 july looking good up there

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