theres a tro on carle fell rd and deadmans hill... like the sound of the 2nd one...

there next to scar house reservoir... for 18 mnths
im off work on mondays too... work every other day though..

i'd be up for ot on a monday..

or maybe eve's.... laning in the dark should add to the thrill...
i'm based t'other side of them hills, in lancashire, st helens to be exact, i'd be up for a spot of laning on the 9th
I did one from the the top of the resorvoir accross moorland was alright nothing tricky just like rudland rigg without the rocks... there is a few showing public access to the west though near stump cross caverns its a long one and looks ok on google earth, i'm up for a night run if anyone should so wish but 9th is fine if not... P.S. Nick i pick my girls up from Morley on Sat morning if you want meto drop that valance off i don't want anything for it.

Joe i think i saw you sat about 12 going down the road between tad and bramham think it was you i had my caravn over at cawood park for wknd.
it probly was me i will have been going to feed me chickens haha, did you have a good weekend caravaning, whereabouts is that lane that has a tro on nick i didnt think any of them did there i will have a look on dales website theres a list on there what are tro, where are you planning on laning in the dark id be up for laning most days if im allowed haha
mister L... should be ok.. keep an eye on here for final arrangements.. do you kno any of the lanes up that way?

bigC.... cool sat morn would be good.. i'll pm ya my adress...

joe disco... was just lookin at trailwise (i think it is).. it shows bot alf dozen lanes in that area of pateley bridge... a couple of longish lookin ones too... the one with tro is next to a smaller reservoir north of the main reservoir... if that makes any sense...
Google Maps
yeh i think i know were you mean, ive got map will take a look when i get home from work, lanes look like a spiders web dont know how would be best to tackle it, we will have to have a look when we meet that morning, did you manage to find any lanes in leeds area nick i couldnt really find any when i looked on my map, i wouldnt mind goin out laning one day this week
wonder if theirs any lanes were allowed on in hebden bridge,todmorden area for future laning trips,nice views over that way..
nice video and looks like you all had a good time there although 13.37 could be mistaken for the kojak appreciation society ;)

could be interested in the next run if theres space for 3 more or if your going back to ruddland again we know some pretty good lanes around those parts :)
we look like three boiled eggs im the cool looking dude in the shades:cool:
just had a look on trailwise at hebden and tod... not a right lot there mate...

had a look round leeds too,,, not a lot there either...

was chattin to a guy from allerton who had been laning for 10 years.. he had found some over that way an got a collection of maps with routes on but was unwillin to share...

i need to get some maps and have a proper look... some roads are not even classified on trailways and ya cant tel if its paved or not...
yeh gaz lro driffield show is on the 7th and 8th of may i was thinking loads of us could go in convoy there would be pretty good i usally take quite a bit of money and buy expensicve stuff plan on buying heavy duty rear bumper :D
just had a look on trailwise at hebden and tod... not a right lot there mate...

had a look round leeds too,,, not a lot there either...

was chattin to a guy from allerton who had been laning for 10 years.. he had found some over that way an got a collection of maps with routes on but was unwillin to share...

i need to get some maps and have a proper look... some roads are not even classified on trailways and ya cant tel if its paved or not...
,whats wrong with sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.sounds bit of an arse
or should i take that back,not a cage fighter is he,

cos if he is he had better watch out as i have little man syndrome ...l.o.l
dunno... was a big lad though...

was doin a gig in castleford, and he saw my motor and started chattin.... not seen him again...

might be an idea to get some maps sorted and have a meet up in a pub one night to swop info between maps...
ive just been looking at my maps there a few miles of lanes for us to do got em all marked so if any of you have maps you can copy them whats it matter were all friends haha
driffield lro show on 7/8 may and pateley bridge on 7 may...

i'd like to go to both but i work most of sundays so cant go on 8th...


just spent last 2 hours lookin at o/s explorer map of leeds area... my ed's spinning... comparing to trailwise and google maps satalite view...

found some possible's.. near work so will try have a nosey this week...

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