It's what we used to say when we first came onto the "breaking" channel. IE.

"Breaker Breaker, Fisheye are you in there?"
Then Fisheye (me) would reply:
"Aye you got me, pick a window"
Then caller would suggest a channel to go to far a yak.

Search Google for a list of the 10 codes.
All the old cb slang has pretty much disappeared (gone 10-100) though 10-100 officially means gone for a pee (10-200) gone for a ****e. It used to be very amusing and colourful with people coming up with their own slang which often became adopted as the "norm."
If you haven't already seen it, watch the film Convoy. In the uk that was the film that kinda kicked it all off, then along came things like Smokey and the Bandit.

Here's a few - try and guess what they meant, no prizes.

Motion Lotion -
Mobile fish tank -
Mobile carpark -
Ratchet jaw -
Jam sandwich -
Bear in the air -
Beat the bushes -
Seat cover -
Beaver -
Crow's nest -
Beaver cleaver -
Breaker on the side -
Catch ya on the flip flop -
Super slab -
88's -
High numbers -
77's & 88's -
Ankle biter -
Bear cave -

I have found this list online - don't click the link until you've had a go at answering the above. Just about everything is listed here:

CB Slang
It's either over or out, should never be both. You pass the conversation to the other party by saying over but you sign off by saying out. Therefore if you say over and out you are saying to the other party to talk now, but I aint listening anyway.

Splitting hairs I know, but there are a lot of radio geeks who get very upset by us amateurs using over & out.

over and out good buddy, nice job on the bulkhead btw
If you haven't already seen it, watch the film Convoy. In the uk that was the film that kinda kicked it all off, then along came things like Smokey and the Bandit.

Here's a few - try and guess what they meant, no prizes.

Motion Lotion -
Mobile fish tank -
Mobile carpark -
Ratchet jaw -
Jam sandwich -
Bear in the air -
Beat the bushes -
Seat cover -
Beaver -
Crow's nest -
Beaver cleaver -
Breaker on the side -
Catch ya on the flip flop -
Super slab -
88's -
High numbers -
77's & 88's -
Ankle biter -
Bear cave -

I have found this list online - don't click the link until you've had a go at answering the above. Just about everything is listed here:

CB Slang

Hahaha Only one i got was Ankle biter -"Kids", I really didnt realise there was tons more,
Erm, to be honest, no. I've always used it simply as good contact/friend.......... But I can guess since you asked so I'll go look it up.
Someone who goes out and gets 2 blow job and comes back and gives me 1:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi

erm 10-10 high numbers (noooo that's just as bad.)

10-10 for nooo. I'm gone.

In the old days one of my "handles" was Planet Gong (yes from that band) and my signing off routine was.

10-10 for now - Planet Gong's leaving your orbit, God I was a sad bastard!
Originally Posted by joe1972
"nyl peaks trip 28 may 2011.......... copy this whole page if ya gonna add yr name then the times etc will be shown every time..

1. nick2303
2. defender11069
3. Callum-d90
4 nunny bdsc..
5. 3.5 efi
7 joe1972
8 cez1869
9 200tdi ayre
10. lowey

add your name to list
woolley edge services 9am for those comin from leeds area...... leaving at 9.15....

for any others from south /west/east....Fox House, Hathersage Road

Sheffield, South Yorkshire S11 7TY at 10am"

In answer to the earlier posting....Yep, I will defo be going direct to the Fox House,nick... an hour drive for me down the A57...but atleast theres a fari few petrol stations along the route! lol...n driving this way is much nicer than the M62 on the orrible off roadie tyres
is there room for a little one?? or maby 2

****E BULLOCKS FECK WINK!!!:frusty::frusty::frusty:

I've got a misfire again on the off roader...Eliminated the ignition n fuelling, compression test was a bit wierd so did a vacuum test. Something wrong with cylinder 8 n 6....I think the brand new gasket i fitted has sprung a leak between sounds mint until ya lift off then backfires like fook!!!
Just soent all day today on me day off elimating everything else. Either I've gotta get the head back off again, or I'm looking for another engine (its about nicky nacky nood anyhows)..
So, until I can resolve I gotta bow out of trip tommorrow. :(
Hope all going have a great day. To say Im ****ed off I'm not joining you all is a major understatement.

BOLLOX! sorry guys :( :(

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