ive messaged ste, he said he knows routes but cant go for a couple of weeks, so shall we arrange for a saturday in march sometime, ive also got a map for holmfirth with routes on, but think it would be better if we go with someone who knows where to go, and ive noticed today ive nearly dislocated me rear spring, must have done it last weekend when we were out
march it is then
ill keep my eye on this post
i go up to the dales a lot fishing so might have a look round while im there
i think there is one near horton in ribblesdale
saw some 4x4s there a few weeks ago
shall we say either 12th or 19th if parkwoods this weekend, id prefer 19th tho, but 12th should be ok, i will message ste and see whens good for him he knows routes
ok good
not far for me
has any1 done it before
how difficult is it
i only have a standard defender with no winch
do i need a cb aswell
dont worry about a winch mate you'l hardly ever need it greenlaning unless by yourself, as for lanes round holmfirth, overall pritty tricky i would say, but good lanes, you will be ok on normal tyres, and if you do get stuck there will be plenty of us going to pull each other out, will be a good day out, where would be a good meeting point then somewhere in huddersfield
marc7................... 5/6 march is a charity do organised by northern monkeys.. ya gotta be a member to attend..

can send ya a link if ya want more info on the club..

i've just joined this week...
12th or 19th is fine with me too, thanks for info Nick don't think i'll be going to Parkwood though got a christening to go to...

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