i had a RR come along side of me on bypass to day sat at side of me for ages looking at me with a big smirk on his face the he floored it what a complete and uter ****..:yawn:

give him that side to side hand gesture

what a.


  • a loos.jpg
    a loos.jpg
    4.2 KB · Views: 112
hes only jealous... I had an overfinch penis exention try and come down the outside of traffic and cut in on me the other day, think he made a similar gesture towards me when I didn't let him in :D
my mate at work said..ive bought a landy he said

i said that's not a landy i said

that's a gaylander i said..:D


  • a andy landy.jpg
    a andy landy.jpg
    184 KB · Views: 100
Anyone gotta spare starter motor kicking around ? :-( need a working one don't think am gonna get chance to go shopping for one this week

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