some off them peep's on the 4x4 groups on FB arn't as dumb as they are . A pic of this lane was posted on one page (Im using my own pic) the guy who posted did so in good faith "i.e doing nothing wrong" so i'll keep his to my self. one of them peep's we love to hate asked where the said lane was and given a full description of were when and how to get to it "in my book a total plonker"

and wot do you know this wos posted 3weeks later
Sheepwash Green Laning Land Rovers GoPro Hero 2 - YouTube

so who do we blame the prats that do it or the prat's that give them info..rant over
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some off them peep's on the 4x4 groups on FB arn't as dumb as they are . A pic of this lane was posted on one page (Im using my own pic) the guy who posted did so in good faith "i.e doing nothing wrong" so i'll keep his to my self. one of them peep's we love to hate asked where the said lane was and given a full description of were when and how to get to it "in my book a total plonker"

and wot do you know this wos posted 3weeks later
Sheepwash Green Laning Land Rovers GoPro Hero 2 - YouTube

so who do we blame the prats that do it or the prat's that give them info..rant over

where was the pic posted? on lz or on fb?
all i have seen the last two days are tossers in 4x4s giving every one a bad name ,they should be on pay and play sites, or have there vehicles seized by the police ,which realistically is not going to happen ,just totally have no interaction with these people good or bad ,ignore them all ,:(
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keep lanes to ourselves from now on...

i wont be posting dtls to lanes anywhere on line..

let people join our runs n then decide what to tell em..
I've just set up a secret Facebook group for our lot to share lanes. I will only add folk we know well
Sod that!

I'm gonna be outnumbered as it is :eek::behindsofa:

Go on, Invite him. We can set up a ring and take bets on who lasts longest, Jeez we could sell tickets, and make a fortune. Just gotta make sure we stick 20% on for Profit.. :rolleyes: :D

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