Thats fine on three conditions
1. find my sisters laptop that ive lost so that I can plan the route
2. you check it over to make sure its correct... also dunno how to go about checking the lanes status
3 bring cake
Last edited:
Thats fine on two conditions
1. find my sisters laptop that ive lost so that I can plan the route
2. you check it over to make sure its correct... also dunno how to go about checking the lanes status
3 bring cake

That would be 3 conditions then not 2 :scratching_chin::p




just had full bottle of wine and watch loads of green lane vids ,ya give him a go or is it the wine talking may feel different tomoz lol poor simmi ,showed mr two lanes in queens bury ;
good day need to go to bed cya later all :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D ,m

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