Bloody drop outs, ginge has the sniffles and 110w who was my backup gate bitch isn't sure if she can make it either! Looks like il have to talk to myself! At least I don't complain too much about my singing

just have to sing to your self fot the 2hour drive up...:D
Camera charged, camcorder knackered, waterproofs packed, scram to make, laptop, tablet or blackberry as satnav, what to choose? Weather has jet washed the van so I'll be able to see out and earlier posts indicate the newbie won't be gate biatch, yippee! And yes, still no cb so diss me all you like, ignorance will be bliss.
sorry for being a drop out, its proper grim in my house :(

Im bolloxed!
One day I'll have the money to get a cb and then discuss the newbie. Can't be arsed with the kettle, I'll be taking the flask.

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