Peaks ( Mick your gonna love this 1 )
Christmas Laning 28th December
1. Simmi and R lass
2. TimandMick
3. Defender11069
4. Noviceboy
5. Lowey
17 lanes for the peaks trip some of the best:eek: and some new one's;)but ive googled them so i know wot there like....:D
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trying to make mind up to which landy to go in :scratching_chin::bump2:

might flip coins or do rock paper scissors
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text simmi today....simmi i have to work 28th.....

i swear i could here him faint over in bradford LOL

good job ive just booked it off :D

imagine simmi leading a group:whoosh::doh:

but its ok im still leading :praise:
As someone about to lose his greenlane cherry should I start worrying? Or will a local church blessing before we set off be enough to get me home safe:eek::eek::eek:? I will need cake if we get lost.

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