Christmas is coming( humbug ) the wife wants an i pad but rather spend money on landy ,if she saw this she would kick my butt going to persuade her into a nice set of genuine rubber mats for my landy instead ,or a good rear winch ,ipad or landy ,or is it wife or landy ,lets have a landy zone vote ,:lvlove-143: m or am i going off on one ?
Christmas is coming( humbug ) the wife wants an i pad but rather spend money on landy ,if she saw this she would kick my butt going to persuade her into a nice set of genuine rubber mats for my landy instead ,or a good rear winch ,ipad or landy ,or is it wife or landy ,lets have a landy zone vote ,:lvlove-143: m or am i going off on one ?

i think im going to need a black suit :lol:
ppppp please back to landies i will be too embarrassed to show my face at pub meet:focus:
i am just happy no one put in:nopics:lol no chance :D m

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