Right, cake baking tomorrow after the MOT, need to go shopping for some ingredients.

So far I thought Lemon Drizzle Cake and Chocolate Cake, any other orders for Saturday. Nothing too difficult to make though :D
Right, cake baking tomorrow after the MOT, need to go shopping for some ingredients.

So far I thought Lemon Drizzle Cake and Chocolate Cake, any other orders for Saturday. Nothing too difficult to make though :D
confident your gonna have time for bakin after a test? :eek:

cream sponge cake :cool:
I'm absolutely mortified...
I got a nearly new radiator and just fitted it tonight.
All went well till I filled it up to find it leaking...

Fingers crossed they have another one......
Any cake is good cake

We need to split these groups up again. I put them together after a few dropped out, but now we have more again :D:D

I'm getting confused now so it will have to wait till tomorrow

Might be people wanting to change groups, Difflock wont be wanting to try the rock steps now :eek:
We need to split these groups up again. I put them together after a few dropped out, but now we have more again :D:D

I'm getting confused now so it will have to wait till tomorrow

Might be people wanting to change groups, Difflock wont be wanting to try the rock steps now :eek:
will he know if yer don't tell him :confused::p
Oh what the hell I will do it now

1. Gdhaydock Leader
2. Nrgserv - still a possibly, not definitely or a maybe
3. Discovery2td5
4. Sarah90
5. difflock66
6. LeahandOlly

7. Suew - Navigator but Brian will lead up the difficult stuff
8. Maddogminder
9. Pocketrocket
10. Waynehart. Got a new radiator to fit yet. Unfortunately no cb:':)':)'(
11. John (I don't know his log on name but he's a friend of nrgserv)
12. Lowey - possible

Any comments
Oh and I've given Olly to you, you can sort it out if he tips his Landy over on the tippy lane again :cool::cool::p:p

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