is it me or is it bloody cold out side lol

it is when ya bludy trying to sort a knot of wiring out budy..what a mess,but all conections look good to those switches on chrome panel..just tidying them up as i check half of em could be done away with .:D.lump hammer on standby:D
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The news said that Scotland was at minus temps with 8" of snow. Ive just popped my head out of the door and its snowing a little here...
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its freezin...

run to work was a breeze, skool holidays so no mums on skool run gettin stuck everywhere.... yay
We're visiting son at Uni in Middlesborough this weekend, so looking to, at some point, do the North end of Rudland Rigg. Haven't much time so does anyone know of any local TRO's applicable, or any other decent lanes .. not looking for Pay 'n Play type lanes, just decent scenery, off the beaten track stuff really .. ;)

Don't know exactly when or which day we'll have free (bloody students!) but if anyone fancies a run out too you'd be most welcome .. especially if you know the area and fancy leading! ;)
ya cant beat the rigg for scenery, as long as no low cloud.. as far as other lanes at north end, not sure, we usually start north finish south and have a roam round dalby forest..
Heh, thanks, I've done Dalby and south of North Yorks a lot, but never done it from the North, if you see what I mean!

I've got Memory Map so we'll see what the tracks look like as we get on .. ;)
We're visiting son at Uni in Middlesborough this weekend, so looking to, at some point, do the North end of Rudland Rigg. Haven't much time so does anyone know of any local TRO's applicable, or any other decent lanes .. not looking for Pay 'n Play type lanes, just decent scenery, off the beaten track stuff really .. ;)

Don't know exactly when or which day we'll have free (bloody students!) but if anyone fancies a run out too you'd be most welcome .. especially if you know the area and fancy leading! ;)

hi mate i did Rudland Rigg 4/2/2012
Didn't quite get onto Rudland Rigg .. Got up Ingleby Bank and the snow had drifted 3' deep up the last steep bit .. and being alone we decided not to tempt fate!

Played it safe with wife and son in and just did a few other green lanes. Still interesting, still beautiful, but low cloud as well meant we probably wouldn't have had the views we wanted"

Went around a bit and onto Guisborough Moors, and found a couple of marked lanes out towards the sea, so not a bad day at all, had fun anyway! Memory Map didn't log the route though, so I dunno _exactly_ where the lanes were ...

Forgot to take any pics either, This one is looking back down the Ingleby bank, just before a steep bit and turn at the top of the stepped area ..


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It's never a bad day when you've done a few lanes and had the wife scream .. she doesn't like it when there are drops off her side .. :)

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