some **** broke into my crappy cavalier last time i went to blackpool..

thieving **** stole mi cd's..
Black pool is horrible!!!! Go empty your pockets in 2 mins n get out of there! Haha east cost far better!

Good idea tho Tim :)
I know am changing the subject a bit, but Can any one tell me if the guy that was taking the photos of us, has posted any on here. I forget his name:confused: he was in one of the fenders :)
I know am changing the subject a bit, but Can any one tell me if the guy that was taking the photos of us, has posted any on here. I forget his name:confused: he was in one of the fenders :)
he was in the black fender with his son, he said he was going to get his son to show him how to do it but i havnt seen any yet daz :confused:
I know am changing the subject a bit, but Can any one tell me if the guy that was taking the photos of us, has posted any on here. I forget his name:confused: he was in one of the fenders :)

Glad someone mentioned it......was thinkin the same meself:(
Blackpool.! I think we should have a none laning day,! Or a trip ta Seaside for the day. look good all the Landys parked up & travelling down in convoy

Have wondered what it would be like powering down the long as the tide doesn't catch you out you'd be alright.:D (or further south at Crosby beach drivin round and over the gormly statues) LOL
Worked in Blackpool for a short while....didn't take me long to realise the place is a ****hole.
twas richy's father in law i think...

i'll give richy a call tmoz and see if he can sort out some photies...

got my deep dish wheel.. and some advice off the guy too..

nice bloke.. breaks and does up disco's and rr classics... he also had a "lightweight" he was wantin to sell too..

gimme some box section to fit between arb bushes and mounting point to lower arb to stop it flippin over all the time... yay...
twas richy's father in law i think...

i'll give richy a call tmoz and see if he can sort out some photies...

got my deep dish wheel.. and some advice off the guy too..

nice bloke.. breaks and does up disco's and rr classics... he also had a "lightweight" he was wantin to sell too..

gimme some box section to fit between arb bushes and mounting point to lower arb to stop it flippin over all the time... yay...

Good idea that is, I'll b doing that :)
I am on holiday till sunday but will post them wen i get back on this thred i have had a look amd there r sum gd ones
He should have some good ones:) Have you got a new rad fited yet ?

Not yet DAZROBBO. The one I had new was the wrong type.
I should be collecting the correct one on my day off tommorrow. Hasn't been easy finding the right one for the right price to be honest.... (Rimmer wanted loads and the local supplier wanted even more, near £500!)
Hopefully I shall have the one Im picking up fitted asap
Then I'll buzz the rear arches off a bit to stop the tyres edges catchin on articulation.