
Active Member
Me and my big mouth!!!!!!
I said to WLM that we should have a look round here next time we go out…..
I have the map, I have the gear, I have close friends who know what they are doing!!!!!!!
So we are going to have a look around the lanes around here. Here is: CHERHILL, AVEBURY, ROUNDWAY, OVERTON, MALBOUROUGH DOWNS & any other place we can have a look at.
But only ever had a look around Salisbury planes. With My good friend W.L.M.
But I don’t know whats worth a look and not. Any help would be good.
If want to come out to play on Sunday next let me know.
A few of us went down that area back in June, theres a good selection and variety of lanes running around the Ridgeway(most of which which isn't driveable anymore) from memory none have seasonal TRO's on them. Wilts County Council seem pretty 4x4 friendly compared to most!! Couple of lanes to west of Avebury towards Devizes were quite memorable, and a few to the north of Marlborough. (O.S. Landranger 173).

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