Oh and Dents lad jordan will be glad to hear i have a gate slave coming with me for a change
£40 mate for a millitry issue one, if they don`t keep you warm fook all will. You`ll spend more than that in your B&B for the night!!!
what going on then is she unwell??

The old bird is a bit under the weather, the dr said ages ago that she only had a few days to live but she won't co-operate, i'll be expected to attend the funeral, its the only time our family get to see each other and make the most of it, the wake can last a couple of days:D
It must be the guy who deals with your spending money then, i bet he heard about your wallet being opened on the last trip, so this time hes tagging along to stop it from happening again
It must be the guy who deals with your spending money then, i bet he heard about your wallet being opened on the last trip, so this time hes tagging along to stop it from happening again
snigger hope he;s buying the beers this time:p
The old bird is a bit under the weather, the dr said ages ago that she only had a few days to live but she won't co-operate, i'll be expected to attend the funeral, its the only time our family get to see each other and make the most of it, the wake can last a couple of days:D
waiting for someone to buy the first round!

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