
New Member
Right I know I shouldn't be planning anything like this yet but... Gauging interest how many of us Freelander owners live around north Wales. Flintshire/Denbighshire?

I need some one/few to come out sometime in the next month and have a drive around a few of the local greenlanes. Mainly to give me tips on what can be done/helpful advice as well as some support for when iI get stuck with road tyres.

I know a few green lanes around my way being a avid mountain biker but just not sure how well my car would cope being standard. Will suss out the easy ones on bike first.

Does it sound like a plan of some sort? We can get together and moan about our problems
blackpool here and I`d be up fot it to but I ve never been green laning before so need summat easy and gentile lol
Did anyone ever meet up? does anyone want to meet up? summers coming maybe a camping trip with a few members? a few beers and have a moan about our feelanders and advice? Theres not a single club for the freelander which I think is a dam shame :(
Why not come alone to the LZ 10th anniversary bash? Freelander friendly laning and a damn good weekend thrown in :)

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