Paul D

Old, nackered 'n broke, but the Landy is fine . :)
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Just a few pics.

Had a great weekend, First night camped at Misty Waters pub, which was nice, second night camped at Lost Lake which was ace!!

Forgot to take pics of the first day, but my son took some of the second ..

Arriving at lost Lake ..


The campsite


The views from above the campsite ... ;)





Then some lanes pics and a castle .. :)






Great weekend, great people, lots of beer, a burnt seat and tent, and now new UJ's or prop needed .. I suspect prop 'cos the splines wobble too .. but worst I now need to sort the bulkhead on Flewt ... I opened the passenger door this morning to clear the ****e out and the top hinge fell away .. all fillered over!! Ah well, I got home OK at least!! ;)


Had a great drive home, found some brand new lanes, one of which was really good and will be worth a look during wintertime .. then we kept monstering the traffic on roundabouts and hooning around the bends, particularly on the peaks road ... silly, scary stuff but great fun .. top drive Top Cat!! ..;)
Yes. Been repaired a bit too in one corner, so they obviously still use it maybe once or twice a year. Not that we've ever seen anyone else there!
We did some fixing last time we were up there, it does make a perfect camp site

Yeah we brought an extra bag of rubbish away with us, some kind soul must have forgotten to take it away with them ... :(

Looks like they've built one of the tracks up with hardcore and chippings, maybe as an access road, but looks too well made to be just for livestock, so we wondered if there might soon be a windfarm up there too!
Yep there is, I just signed the petition against the overhead cables which I will be able to see from my house
Yep there is, I just signed the petition against the overhead cables which I will be able to see from my house

Hmm .. dunno if it's a good or bad thing ..

Good, maybe it'll make someone some money and might help local economy .. though I doubt it.

Bad, more people around means Lost Lake ain't gonna be lost for too long ..
so u did,nt fancy having a crack at the track the other side of the village with castle then

We'll have a crack at anything, it wasn't on our route for the day. Or maybe it was and we just didn't take pics or post them, or maybe I don't know! I can't remember the castles name even ...

i know the castle,s name but i was'nt going to mention it but there a lovely little campsite and bunk house in its grounds on the other side of your picie give us a shout next time your in the area i,ll show u the water fall climb lane

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