
New Member
Anybody do green laning between northumberland and durham would love a go if anybody does it locally cant imagine it bein much good on me own, Ive got a 96 Disco 300tdi totally standard
I'd be in for it... dont know any of the lanes, but there seems to be a good few from what I can see. Just need to get out and give 'em a go :D
try shinydiscoball... he is from up there :D but he just recently fallen in luuurrvveee so you might not get any sense out of him :D
havent got a clue mate wudnt know where to start figure its best to find someone with some recovery gear too so if we find someone could well be a trio here lol
iv beem trying to find something. even put a ad in the yellow paper lol. only just got my net sorted so gonna have a look about. thin king about afew cheeky mods aswell!
Give us a shout if you sort anything out.. I'm bishop auckland way so as long as I fix my 96 300tdi I'll be up for a spot of laning.. not done any myself yet.
I've done a bit of laning around the NE this year, mainly with guided tours but a few independently and know a few of the lanes that are driveable without too much chance of getting stuck. northumberland council has a good interactive map of all open byways but if you dont know them it can be a bit dodgy on your own. if anyone fancies a day out let me know.
alternatively if you havent been before allterraintours.co.uk and uklandroverevents.com are NE based guided tour operators and offer a good day out for under £50

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