Not at all, Ratty.
Its just that I was asked to organise a run for noobies. There are plenty of other trips round here for those more experienced - in fact any of the local trips :D. You are more than welcome on any of them.

Mind yu - a recovery vehicle might be useful ;).
Not at all, Ratty.
Its just that I was asked to organise a run for noobies. There are plenty of other trips round here for those more experienced - in fact any of the local trips :D. You are more than welcome on any of them.

Mind yu - a recovery vehicle might be useful ;).

I'll stick my name down to come but if you get all yer spaces filled by noobies then just let me know and I'll drop out so one of them can have a shot.:)
some of the lanes have over hanging bushes so this is were it gets scratchy


Are you leaving your roof off all through summer? If there's room for me on the trip and you want to come but can't be arsed to stick yer roof on yer welcome to come in the 'poof mobile' if you can put up with the embarassment.;):p

Are you leaving your roof off all through summer? If there's room for me on the trip and you want to come but can't be arsed to stick yer roof on yer welcome to come in the 'poof mobile' if you can put up with the embarassment.;):p

as long as yer promise not to switch the gay bar on :D:D:D

yep roof int going back on till after summer
Safe enough to bring the littleun, and the up the duff missus?

I can't say yes for sure cos I errr.. still ain't got it fixed :/ If its running, I'll be there :D
Safe enough to bring the littleun, and the up the duff missus?

I can't say yes for sure cos I errr.. still ain't got it fixed :/ If its running, I'll be there :D

Everything except for the option above is perfectly safe, but as I said before, anything you arent happy about, dont do it. There is no pressure to do anything, and lots of help and advice if you need it.

One thing I will say tho, a CB is a very worthwhile addition, it keeps you in contact with the others, you can keep up with the banter :D and be forewarned of any problems.
One more thing - make sure the "ladies" (and Ratty) wear a sports bra - the bone-shaker is, shall we say "painful" :eek: :rolleyes:

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