Just Joined, - Intro'd myself as directed. Ive a 19j turbo engine thats refusing to start up after a load of work done on it :( , so I'm trouble shooting it . and struggling with fuel supply and heater plugs.

I've bled the system through the lift pump, filter, (fuel at the Upper union joint), and injector pump (bleed screwon top of pump), and can see some fuel at the Injector unions (doesn't seem very much just a wee dribble- should it be like that ?:eek:) I did have the fuel injector pump and injectors off during the re-build on the engine, and did re-align pump it as per Haynes manual so I'm hoping thats not the problem.
I've two new batteries and they are cranking it over fast enough . I did discover that the heater plugs weren't getting power, so before I investigate any relays wiring etc I just hooked up the spare battery to the heater plugs direct so should be having hot plugs - still no startup

I can hear the fuel cut off operating when I touch the contact with the lead so think thats ok

I tried squirting WD40 into the inlet of the turbo - still nuthin

I'm running out of things to check on :(:eek: - any suggestions on what else I should be looking at ?
OK, at this point the turbo means jack-all so i feel comfortable in commenting (I have a 2.5NA).

Crack off all the connections at the injectors and crank it - you should see a good bit of fuel there. Also, open the top of the filter at a connection and operate the priming leverl - good squirt of fuel there?

Dumb question - but does the engine "sound" right when cranking? Hard to define, but I've always taken that as a sign of the timing setting - it's doing the compression thing at the right time and so forth,

Let it bleed through a bit at the injectors (see above) and then try it again. They can be buggers to start when the fuel system's been opened, but you just need to persevere and get the air out.

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I think it must be fuel related as I'm not really getting a 'good' supply at the Injector unions even when they are completely undone, just a dribble. Fuel filter supply looks good , spraying everywhere when Return union loose. so fuel is getting past the fuel lift pump. There is a good supply of fuel when the bleed screw is slackened on the fuel injector pump as well. I did see references to another bleed screw on the pump, for TD200 engines but dont think there are two on the 19j engine pump:eek:. Even if the timing was out on the pump you should still get a good supply of fuel to the injectorsI would have thought?:confused: Are there any filters/valves that could be clogged/blocked in the Injector pump ? Engine has not been run for 3 yrs so could be something like that. I'm thinking the valves at each of the injector supply pipes maybe ...?

Engine sounds ok when cranking , chuffing etc but not showing any signs of firing or of fumes out the exhaust.
have you tried cracking injector nearest radiator and turning her over on the key rather than using the lift pump handle?

my old 19j was always a bitch to bleed after a service.
you can also stick an oil extractor on the spill rail to suck fuel up or you can try and tow start it.

2.25's where a bitch to bleed too
yeah a tow starts always a good one on an engine that hasnt run for a while , not sure id be keen to do it on a fresh rebuild mind you.
Just had to take the fuel damper off my fuel pump cos it was peeing diesel out of it, I use the same method MOT garage told me to use, misses cranking the engine with her foot on the floor whilst I'm spraying cold start in the air intake pipe. It's worked for me a good few times but you'll need to supply your own missus:D
Thinking it might be worth dismounting the stop solenoid and making sure it throws correctly by grounding it outside the pump and making sure it withdraws properly. A partially stuck or nonworking stop solenoid could do that - BTDT and the bastard failed on the motorway.
Worth a quick try with the easy start spray, will prove valve timing / compression is there.
But dont over use it!
Had prob with my N/A not firing up but that was the lift pump, once that was sorted I bled system bit by bit and span motor with fuel unions off of the injectors and there was a reasonable squirt from each.
Any air in the system and it will compress rather than pushing the diesel at the right pressure.
Will have to wait till weekend , but my plan is ;

1)Remove fuel cut off test, and if shot replace (one on order)
2)Crack injector lines at the pump and try cranking for a while (previously just a few dribbles )
3) Introduce some diesel injector cleaning fuid stuff into the filter (and bleed through the injector pump. I'm thinking the pumps been standing for a few years without any fuel in it and is probably gunked up. then crank engine with injector pipes removed see if gunk clears
4) Remove valves in turn at back of pump and degunk trying to avoid loosing all the internal springs etc, reassemble - re-crank
5) Try the Quickstart just to make sure engine will actually fire ....
6) Remove fuel pump (not looking forward to that with engine back in Landy...- de-gunk and if not looking good ,,,, gulp :eek:, splash out on a replacement pump - where's likley cheapest place to get a recon unit on Tinternet?
Marmaduke .... I have a missus so OK there, she's also supervisor and generally chips in with helpful comments just at wrong moment... she'll be able to do the foot to the floor part no problem as she's a Petrol head ... ;)
Fair play, but I'd try cold start before you strip everything down as 19j engines are notoriously difficult to bleed
12Js and 19Js are usually real bitches to start after major work done to them (especially if the head has been removed). If all else fails, try a push-start. It usually does the trick.
Will have to wait till weekend , but my plan is ;

1)Remove fuel cut off test, and if shot replace (one on order)
2)Crack injector lines at the pump and try cranking for a while (previously just a few dribbles )
3) Introduce some diesel injector cleaning fuid stuff into the filter (and bleed through the injector pump. I'm thinking the pumps been standing for a few years without any fuel in it and is probably gunked up. then crank engine with injector pipes removed see if gunk clears
4) Remove valves in turn at back of pump and degunk trying to avoid loosing all the internal springs etc, reassemble - re-crank
5) Try the Quickstart just to make sure engine will actually fire ....
6) Remove fuel pump (not looking forward to that with engine back in Landy...- de-gunk and if not looking good ,,,, gulp :eek:, splash out on a replacement pump - where's likley cheapest place to get a recon unit on Tinternet?

1. Don't waste your time on that yet.

2. Crack the bleed screw on the injector body first and turn the engine over on the starter, it should spew diesel. Prove the earliest things first - in this case, diesel is being drawn from tank and going through the filter etc. If it doesn't spew diesel look at the system pre-injection pump.

3. Don't waste your time.

4. With injection pump bleed screw done up undo ALL the injection lines at the injectors. Turn the engine over for a good 10-20 seconds and look for diesel coming from ALL the lines. If you see this then do them all up and and try starting her, ideally with glow plugs for these engines, DO NOT touch the throttle at any point during starting and ensure your throttle linkage on the pump is sitting hard against the stop. Look for white smoke when starting if you start to get a lot of it hold your nerve and she should start. Might be worth putting your battery on a charger to make sure it's ready for all this.

5. Don't waste your time - not good on a diesel.

6. Not concentrating on the aim here - which is to get it running, hopefully with the fuel in the tank, and some spanners!

When doing ANYTHING in life, just first consider the aim - then only look at what is needed to achieve this.

The aim here is to get the engine running. As with anything mechanical start with the cheapest simplest things before, and take advice if your not sure. I am not saying that this engine will run, I know these engines and know they are pigs, I know sometimes even if all is OK they won't start easily such as in the cold.

If after all this you decide you need a pump, PM me. I have one sitting here somewhere.
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Thanxs Discomania

1. OK reasonably happy thats working since fuel is p...ing out of the bleed screw on the injector pump
2. Done this previously and fuel is getting to the end of the injector lines on all four pipes, just didnt seem to be very much ... just a dribble, hence the focus on the pump , but will try again
3. Point taken
4. OK will do this, and will pull the glow plugs to make sure they are all working (Ive got a spare set available anyway)
5. Last resort if all else fails. Agreed not a good idea
6. Defo Fuel in Tank, its been drained and flushed and re-filled to 3/4 full, and fuel is definately getting to the pump will make some checks with a clear vacuum pipe that no air is coming through with the fuel.
7. Im trying , been through everything couple times before posting, but as you say they 19j engines appear from all the posts to be a bit of a pig to bleed through.

Thanks for offer on injector pump I'll persevere until completely beat with everything elese then PM U .

Im back home at weekend so will report back on the outcome of all the suggestions and if/when it fires up :)

Thanxs for all the help team ....
Tried all the suggestions above! I'm getting fuel to the Injector pump, bleed screw and return rail showing they are getting plenty of diesel with no air , however nothing coming through from the injector pump to the injectors , beginning to think it's the pump, have started trying to dismantle end of pump in the vehicle but it's proving really awkward, where best place to get a refurb'd pump ? Also don't want to take the timing
belt cover off so looking to buy/rent/borrow one of the injector removal 'special tools' so I can remove it while retaining the pump sprocket. Tried it once with quick start and it fired so know that side of things ok. Just can get fuel through to the engine :mad::frusty:
Mine took two or three attempts with quick start after I had an air leak on the injector pump so I'd give it another go before you start stripping it.

Ah to late I've just read it through.....
Decision made remove injector pump and injectors for a refurb. Borrowed a tool to hold pump sprocket , but it didn't seem to fit the cover plate. So decided to dismantle and remove belt cover plate to be able to pull the sprocket off the pump. This is fighting every inch of the way. Any suggestions on best place for a pump refurb ? Local (Inverness) diesel shop indication £350 for full refurb �� that seems a bit steep, but by time I've paid postage from down south prob about evens ....
Have you tried Diesel Bob? £350 for a refurb isn't a bad price, just paid £200 for a pump repair on a bosch ve pump.
Haven't tried Diesel, Bob .. too late as Pump and injectors now with precision engineering in Inverness for a look-see and refurb as necasary. Bit of a chew with getting the pump off. Borrowed the special, tool wouldn't fit the access hole in the timing belt cover, also the puller wouldnt fit (must have been for a different model). So had to strip the front of the engine and apply a heaver puller, even then it resisted with a lot of load cranked up untill I used a heat gun to 'warm' it up a bit then bang went off like a rifle. No obvious probs in pump ( internals looked clean (took top off) , no gunge etc guessing its the rotor impellors that are stuck/gunked .

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