Hi All
Went out to my 2007 110 this morning and it wouldn't start. Battery fine. All dashboard lights OK. But when I turn the key absolutely nothing. Any ideas? Immobilizer? By the way the Landy is fitted with an auto box.
Not really. Both key fobs are working well and were working yesterday. I'm beginning to suspect starter motor. Most times when I turn the key I get absolutely nothing. But every now and then, when I try the same thing, the starter does a fraction of a turn.
Not really. Both key fobs are working well and were working yesterday. I'm beginning to suspect starter motor. Most times when I turn the key I get absolutely nothing. But every now and then, when I try the same thing, the starter does a fraction of a turn.
Afraid I don't know, I have never had one of those myself.
A couple of general observations, though.
I have known that problem to happen on several 21st century Landrover vehicles, and in each case a new battery solved it.
Also, both in real life, and on the forum, I have seen hundreds of batteries die when the weather gets cold.
Could still be battery, need to check what it’s health is like. What voltage do you see?
But again cold weather puts extra strain on any electirckry bits. If it’s trying to turn now and again check the starter solenoid circuit as well as all the big connections and leads.
“It’s a defender it’s an earth problem” is not a bad assumption:D.

Has the autobox got an inhibitor to prevent the engine starting if its in drive mode? If so, any loose wires or faulty switch? Loose wire on the ignition switch maybe?
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