Yes but this thread is not about RF interference. It's about a car that developed a miss fire then would not start. The OPs actions possibly lead to it's demise in all probability. Basically if you don't know what you are doing don't play. :);)

Tell it like it is Tony.:D:D
Right the filter (RF) not good enough for the need to be discriminating of the spurious signals, But I have found the BeCM is woken up by a wander phone signal. Got a gizmo that detects RF signals now and searched until the source was found. So hopefully no BeCM's playing up. Car's OK if parked a certain place and not too near the phone. Done some 200+ miles and great, well pleased. Thanks to all and Rick the pick (BeCM Ace).Simular
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Right the filter (RF) not good enough for the need to be discriminating of the spurious signals, But I have found the BeCM is woken up by a wander phone signal. Got a gizmo that detects RF signals now and searched until the source was found. So hopefully no BeCM's playing up. Car's OK if parked a certain place and not too near the phone. Done some 200+ miles and great, well pleased. Thanks to all and Rick the pick (BeCM Ace).Simular
I have an FM transmitter that allows me to listen to UK radio from the Sky box when I working in the barn, it's a powerful transmitter with range of about 500mtrs or more. If it's on half power or more (I use 97.7Mhz), it interferes with the P38 RF receiver. The receiver discrimination is pathetic.
I DO NOT BELIEVE IT.... Went to the tip and got to the town centre just. Big mistake should have dumped the other half shopping and drove home. Engine went into limp home and I turned it off. As it had got hot, waiting for those people with a carrier at the tip. It started to miss (Diesel) lack of response from the throttle. Now today, no problem turning over (NOT Immobiliser and no message on the dash) Just like last year will not catch. Tried the BeCM syncmate all green and still the same. No faults on the Nanocom Evo or by using the link in the OBDII as per autodata. That actually works, nodding off in the heat watching the MIL light. So folks what's the price of unleaded ? Only thing found using the old school, meter etc. was throttle switch at the 9 degree side not working. No diesel leaks, tank pump is working. Just no injection.
I DO NOT BELIEVE IT.... Went to the tip and got to the town centre just. Big mistake should have dumped the other half shopping and drove home. Engine went into limp home and I turned it off. As it had got hot, waiting for those people with a carrier at the tip. It started to miss (Diesel) lack of response from the throttle. Now today, no problem turning over (NOT Immobiliser and no message on the dash) Just like last year will not catch. Tried the BeCM syncmate all green and still the same. No faults on the Nanocom Evo or by using the link in the OBDII as per autodata. That actually works, nodding off in the heat watching the MIL light. So folks what's the price of unleaded ? Only thing found using the old school, meter etc. was throttle switch at the 9 degree side not working. No diesel leaks, tank pump is working. Just no injection.
Power to the fuel cut off solinoid? Is the fcos working?
Ok been over the car again, ELAB or Stop Soliniod is clicking lovely. Subbed a feed from the Plug (unplugged from the ECM) and it clicks ok. All plugged up and got someone to turn to the ignition II and it clicks as well. Got a message from the nanocom, Immobiliser link low. I looked at RAVE and will check the engine harness plug near to the Expansion tank or bypass with a length of wire from the ECM to the BeCM. Hopefully have a source for a FIP. hoping it isn't that. All feeds check out to the pump. Only wished this headache would go with the rain. Funny how it's heat related, the onset of the trouble.
Ok been over the car again, ELAB or Stop Soliniod is clicking lovely. Subbed a feed from the Plug (unplugged from the ECM) and it clicks ok. All plugged up and got someone to turn to the ignition II and it clicks as well. Got a message from the nanocom, Immobiliser link low. I looked at RAVE and will check the engine harness plug near to the Expansion tank or bypass with a length of wire from the ECM to the BeCM. Hopefully have a source for a FIP. hoping it isn't that. All feeds check out to the pump. Only wished this headache would go with the rain. Funny how it's heat related, the onset of the trouble.

Read the security code in the ECM and the one stored in the BECM. If they differ delete the one in the BECM and write the one from the ECM into it.
Read the security code in the ECM and the one stored in the BECM. If they differ delete the one in the BECM and write the one from the ECM into it.
Been there done that, after last year. Studied that BBS guide well. It is like the same symptom. Unless its post to Rick again. Still got problems with the interferrence and did you know that these sub stations have a aerial and send out codes to the local electricity authority. I have one right the other side of my hedge. Both units show the same code.
Been there done that, after last year. Studied that BBS guide well. It is like the same symptom. Unless its post to Rick again. Still got problems with the interferrence and did you know that these sub stations have a aerial and send out codes to the local electricity authority. I have one right the other side of my hedge. Both units show the same code.

Move house. ;):D

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