Dave, I can confirm that its an EDC car.

However, just got back from a short trip in it, half way through the highway the check engine light went off. I progressively pressed through the throttle from full up to full down, the light didnt come on. I stopped on the side of the road, tried the same, nothing !
Then I turned the steering wheel to full lock left and right, nothing.

Reached my destination without the check engine light. Then I had to go somewhere close by, 5 min run, still no light ! On my way back, it went on again.
Again, half way through the highway, it went off and stayed off.

Did the rest of my jobs in town with lots of traffic light stops etc, light stayed off.

Any ideas ?
Anyone else ever faced this problem ?
The car is now oficially registered and taxed. I had to take it for a diagnostics apt and came out blank.
It showed solenoid valve cut off fuel error
Solenoid is new, injector plug checked and cleaned, and even if this sounds strange, they had me change the water temp sensor.
Check engine is still there doing what it wants to...

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