
Well-Known Member
I think the rather loud tapping coming from my engine is my injectors. It slowly quietens and disappears if I slowly lift my foot off the accelerator reducing the load and then stops when engine breaking/ no load.

Any one had this problem and found a solution that dosent involve new injectors as a 200tdi will be taking it's place when I find some money.
You might find its not actually the injectors rather somone has advanced the pump timing for whatever reason and has gone slightly to far, or fitted timing belt wrong.

Yehh, it might be the tappets too.. What are the symptoms of an out of time pump? I heard somewhere that missing and a puff of blue smoke just after start up is one, which mine does!

i have a RR p38 1998 2.5dse

its making this noise (generator noise), when i drive is makes this noise i beleive it is the suspensions.. the car drive great and when i stop the noise is there and also stationaire.. PLEASE HELP WHAT IS IT!!!!

i am new to this thats why i cant make my own post help please private email me... Thank you before hand

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