
Hoping i can get a bit of advice of where to look?
I have a 2003 Freelander TD4, as soon as you start to drive away you get a humming/droning noise from the car, as if a brake is jammed on(It's not), as you get faster the noise is less and over 50 is not that noisy at all.
Any help or pointers would be appreciated.
Did you put a prop shaft on it?

Have you checked the condition of the IRD and also possibly the rear diff? Checking the oil on both would be worth doing.
I'd do the VCU OWUT just to reassure yourself that the VCU is in good condition. My thought in addition to the above are whether the VCU support bearings are on the way out?
When mine starts making a droning noise, I like to imagine that the road surface has changed and that is the cause. If it starts to concern me, I turn the radio up. I hate worrying about things, I'd prefer a quick nasty shock to long term stress.


For me, depends on the noise. So long as I know it isn't something vital/ expensive about to go pop then it doesn't need immediate attention (I've been ignoring the VCU support bearings for a while), but otherwise I'll get it sorted ASAP - if only to rid of the annoyance value :)
The road noise I get does vary depending on the type of surface I'm driving over. Some types of tarmac are very noisy compared to others.
Give the rear prop a waggle close to the rear dif. You'll probably find the front dif mount has perished. Quite a common fault.

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