
New Member
Hi i have a TD4 Freelander (2002) and when i start my engine both fans kick in and my Landy sounds like a jet taking off it has been like this for 2 months when i have spoken to my dealer they say nothing is wrong but the noise is starting to get me down now and i would like to stop it .
All fuses appaer to be working there is coolant in my tanks Please help :(
Hi i have a TD4 Freelander (2002) and when i start my engine both fans kick in and my Landy sounds like a jet taking off it has been like this for 2 months when i have spoken to my dealer they say nothing is wrong but the noise is starting to get me down now and i would like to stop it .
All fuses appaer to be working there is coolant in my tanks Please help :(
tank thermostat is u/s . . .the fans should only kick in on a hot day wiv traffic running.[no wind] . .easy to change :) :) :)
Bit of a noob but where is the tank thermostat and would the fans kick in as soon as the engine is turned on if it was a thermostat ?
ok got it mixed up wif petrol engine. . .let start agin td4 fans running all the time. . .the engine temp is derived from a thermostat fitted in engine intake manifold [to change this is a pigs ear ,drain water ,and dissconect inlet manifold ,then you will see sensor] the temp of engine is done in the e m s , the e m s if it see's temp too hot sends a signal to the fan relay via a fuse , that in turn switches on the fan. . . phew ,reet easy check= fan relay l r should be able to tell you if the sensor or wiring to it is u/s ,i told a white lie you can change the sensor yer self but its er reet pig. . .hope this helps ya. . .:)
:( still no success and now i have had it at the dealers and they want to put it on the machine but said that proberbly wont find the problem either so basicly throwing 50 squid down the river for no reason :(
if they said it probly wont find the fault tell em "if it finds the fault - i will pay the £50 - else its yo risk"

where yu based, strangey - change ya cp to show where yu are.?

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