
New Member
Hi All

Please excuse my ignorance in advance as i know very little about all things mechanical..

Im getting some weird stuff happening on my 59 Freelander 2. Ive had a noise coming from the back for a while and it's defo not the diff as that was done a while ago, it mainly happens when reversing and sounds like something locking into place. It seems worse when i turn my steering hard right which also throws an error on the dash and turns off special programs, which does come back on when turn the engine on/off again

I asked a garage to look at it and they said it was three bushes underneath which they replaced at a cost of £150 but its still there and when i returned to the garage they basically said they couldn't find anything, which i find hard to believe as it happens every time the car is put in reverse.

Any help greatly appreciated and any reliable/trustworthy mechanics near Wigan would be great to know

Sounds like a problem with the Haldex unit. When was the fluid last changed, or the filter replaced? The Haldex fluid should be changed at 20K miles intervals, and the filter replaced every other fluid change.

I've no idea TBH i just presume that this would have been part of the Services i have every year
Unless it's been serviced by Land Rover, I suspect it's not been done.
would this stop the knocking issue if i got that looked at?
Not necessarily, as the Haldex unit could be damaged. The pumps overheat if the filter gets blocked, due to dirty fluid.
Is it easy to check?
I sounds like the Haldex needs checking.
I think you only need ask why the diff needed fixing to answer that question.

The diffs are poor design and most 2010 and earlier cars will have had them fixed or likely replaced by now. However, they don't just fail all by themselves. They are assisted by the Haldex, and especially a poorly maintained Haldex. Get it serviced (or do it yourself), fluid and filter, and see how she goes after that. If the diff was replaced with a 2nd hand unit, then it wouldn't be surprising for it to have failed. Even a reconditioned one will fail if the Haldex is giving it a hard life.

I'm not sure if this is the cause of your current problem, but not servicing the Haldex is a sure fire way of problems in the future if it isn't the current one, so it will not be wasted. (unless the Haldex is totally fubar of course and needs replacing, but a service will be a lot less expensive than replacement without knowing that).
Ok thanks for that

the diff was replaced by Land Rover 4 years ago so will get the Haldex services thanks

is it easy to do yourself ?
There's a link to a you tube video on another thread that is running - think it was posted yesterday.

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