
Well-Known Member
I noticed a noise coming from the L Series the other day when the Mrs went out. You can't hear it from inside. I noticed it again yesterday, so thought I'd investigate today.

Its definitely coming from the timing/aux belt end of the engine and sounds like a bearing on the way out. I'm thinking its probably the water pump, but possibly the tensioner or something. The aux belt is fine, no signs of damage and tight. Haven't inspected the timing belt.

Does anybody recon they can identify it from this video....

The sound is much more noticeable on the video, I didn't think it would come out when I recorded it, but its has. As has the droning thump-thump-thump of the L Series :)
yes that noise seems to be belts but there is a slight squeal in there and I would examine the pump you can feel if the bearing going by trying to rock the pump pulley. try putting a drop of water onto the belts while they are turning if the noise immediately goes then it is belts if it does not then I suspect pump this is an old trick.
Thanks for the reply Teddywood. Presumably I take my life into my hands and try and drop the water onto the ridged inside of the belt?

The water pump on the L Series isn't directly driven by the belt, it is fixed on the back of the power steering pump. I've given the PAS, alternator, aircon and main pulley a rock, and they all feel solid.

I suppose I could just remove the water pump off the back of the PAS pump and see if the noise stops. Looking at the Rave disk though, this is quite a complex task with aircon - and I'll need to replace the O rings and probably the antifreeze.

There again, the motor's up to 100K miles now - 154K KMs., I'll see if the pump was changed when the belts were done at 117k KMs (Feb 2012) and if not, it could probably do with a change anyway. They look to be £66 for a LR component from Rimmers - I'll update on Monday how much it costs in NZ :)
Have you done the simple bit first? Take off aux belt and start up engine to ensure its not timing belt?
Obviously don't run it long....but I don't need to say that
After various chores around the house and garden, I finally got to the Freelander. I decided that removing the drive/aux belt would eliminate that and all the bits it drives - so took it off. Started her up and the noise is still there.

So its presumably the timing belt tensioner - which sounds like a common failure on the L Series. I did a bit of hunting around though and it appears the EGR valve can make noises and I can't pin point where the noise is originating, so I might investigate whether I can disconnect that before stripping the timing belt down.

When I took the drive belt off I checked all the pulleys. The alternator & PAS pumps are fine, as is the main pulley. The air con pump has a bit of lateral play, but it looks like that may be OK. The tensioner didn't have any play in it, but felt rather 'gritty' when I turned it, so I think I'll replace that to be safe.
Thought I'd ring round to get some prices on belts and tensioners. All the places in NZ I called were closed for Christmas & New Year, reopening on 5th or 12th of January.

When all else fails, ring the main stealers. Their response was.... nah don't get a lot of call for those these days, I'd have to order them in from the UK and they'd be very expensive.

Welcome to the world of running a Landie in NZ :)
In the end I gave the car to a garage I had faith in doing the job well.

Got it back today and the noise, as slight as it was, is gone - at least I think it is because I can't hear it over the hell of a racket it making now ! Oh feck !!!
That's a good price for a timing and pump kit. Are Drayco OK?

Looking at the prices, by the time I added shipping, I sourced a kit locally for about £100 (timing belt only).

I had the 3 belts replaced not that many Ks ago - so wasn't to worried about the pump side - although I may do this myself as access is easier.

I'm going to have to start from scratch again and take the drive belt off to see if that's the cause of this noise - I did have some concerns about the tensioner it is a bit notchy. The drive belts aren't a bad price, but the tensioners are pretty steep. I'm also having trouble finding info on how to change the drive belt tensioner - eg I couldn't find anything in the Rave docs.

There's some horror stories on here about the drive belt going and taking the timing belt with it, so I do need to sort this.

may be a dodgy replacement bearing.....

If I'd have seen this earlier, I'd have just pointed you to DMGRS:

L Series Dayco Cambelt Kit - 5 Piece. For 200/400/600 (95-99) | Discount MG Rover Spares

(the freelander uses the same belt kit as the earlier SD/SDi Rovers - it's slightly thinner)
Well its not the drive belt/tensioner. I've taken the belt off and the noise is still there.

TBH The noise is the same except that its louder and now does not occur when the engine is cold, but when its warm.

So I don't think its the timing belt, tensioner or idler - as it happens with 2 sets.

Back to square 1 !
Thes e things are sent to try us ... I asume the timing belt tensioner was changed with the timing belt? If so I think you can rest assured it is not coming from there.
Yep, belt, tensioner and idler.

I'm running out of 'things that turn' and beginning to wonder if it might possibly be a main bearing.
I would thnink that is unlikely - what's the mileage? Don't main bearings rumble rather than whine?
No difference to the noise with clutch depressed?. I had a whining clutch thrust bearing in another vehicle.
Its on 155K KMs so about 100K miles.

The sound doesn't change with clutch in or out and doesn't change whether moving or stationary. It does change with engine revs. Its at its loudest at tick over - raising the revs raises the pitch of the noise and it gets quieter/goes away.

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