£120. I wanted a fault diagnosis but got a fix as well so I'm happy. It came back really clean as well so an expensive car wash :)
The week before I'd had it into a local garage to work for a puncture repair and asked them to take a look at the noise. They couldn't find anything either and wanted to book it in for a strip down. If two garages couldn't find a fault I had no chance I'm just glad I didn't let them change the swivel housing!
£120. I wanted a fault diagnosis but got a fix as well so I'm happy. It came back really clean as well so an expensive car wash :)
The week before I'd had it into a local garage to work for a puncture repair and asked them to take a look at the noise. They couldn't find anything either and wanted to book it in for a strip down. If two garages couldn't find a fault I had no chance I'm just glad I didn't let them change the swivel housing!

It's not that they couldn't 'find' the fault as they didn't recognise it ... a dry/cracked bearing may not be obvious to some spanner monkey ...

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