Don't tell me that, hope its not that, but surely this would be making a noise when turning left or going straight if splines are worn?
Hi Nodge68...
That's got me thinking now as I couldn't see any physical problems with the shocks, I'm now looking at the possibility of the PTU failure in some way, especially if you say it does cause front tyre scrubbing. This is all new to me regards the PTU, I only know I'll be looking at £630 for a recon if that is the problem. Don't know how I can prove this is the issue? Is there some kind of test or just go for broke and get it replaced???
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Is there some kind of test or just go for broke and get it replaced?

Yes. See if you can turn the propshaft with the front wheels on the ground. Use something like an oil filter wrench to put some torque on the propshaft, as it should be firmly connected to the gearbox, so shouldn't turn at all, no matter how much force you put on it.
If you can turn it independently of the front wheels, then the PTU or it's splined link tube has failed.
Unfortunately if the splined link tube has stripped, then it can take out either the splines on the PTU or gearbox output, or both.
Hi Nodge68
Can you explain the test again, bit confused... does the real wheels need to be off the ground while fronts on the ground? and do I need to put the car into gear?
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Not sure what you mean by geometry, assuming you mean tracking... had the tyres fully tracked once I changed the front suspension parts, yes

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Hi Nodge68
Can you explain the test again, bit confused... does the real wheels need to be off the ground while fronts on the ground? and do I need to put the car into gear?
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Hi Nodge68
Can you explain the test again, bit confused... does the real wheels need to be off the ground while fronts on the ground? and do I need to put the car into gear?
All 4 wheels on the ground.

If you put an @ in front of a name it alerts them directly.

Thank you... New to this website so learning things slowly :)
Colouring the name doesn't work, just do it in normal type and colour sorts itself out.

Once you've done the @ and start typing the name, a box will appear on that, saves trying to remember the spelling etc.

Also, you can go back into your post and @ Nodge's name, if you want.


Hi Nodge68
Can you explain the test again, bit confused... does the real wheels need to be off the ground while fronts on the ground? and do I need to put the car into gear or not?

I've already had all four wheels off the ground and put into a high gear and the front and back wheels do turn ok (but not all at the same time unless I slow one down with my foot, then the opposite spins up which I assume is what should happen with a diff
Can you explain the test again, bit confused... does the real wheels need to be off the ground while fronts on the ground?

No, all 4 wheels can be on the ground, as the Haldex won't couple without the TR module telling it to. It just difficult to get underneath without the vehicle raised a bit, in which case the rear needs lifting.

If you've had all 4 wheels spinning, then the PTU is transferring drive, at least enough to spin the rear when they're hanging free.
Hi (again)
Many thanks for your very kind help again. Today I just tried fitting my spare tyre on the NS front just to prove a crazy theory if I'm fitting worped tyres from the rear to front in some bizare way, but still the same. So at least I've eliminated a tyre issue as I know a cupped tyres can make this kinda noise.

Regards the theory of the PTU being suspect, I've noticed when I turn into a RH bend It doesn't matter if I'm applying power or not into the bend, it's the same grinding / rubbing level, so can't see the PTU being suspect, plus the ratio would be different as it sounds one tyre revolution.

I'm lost for things to try / change now... Although the sound is definately from the NS front wheel area, could the OS bearing be transfering noise to the left in some way if worn? or even back wheel bearings?? ( but I found no physical signs of wear from any of these)?

Clutching at straws now :(
could the OS bearing be transfering noise to the left in some way if worn? or even back wheel bearings??

Wheel bearings can be difficult to identify.
To check for a noisy bearing, hold onto the centre of the spring while turning the wheel. If the bearing on the wheel you're turning is noisy you'll feel it in the spring.

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