
Im having an issue with my clutch or something in that area, as when the jeep is running, if i let go of the clutch with any speed it makes a little grindy/clunk sort of noise, it also does this sometimes when changing gears when driving. I can hear no rattling from the release bearing when the clutch is out either, if that helps

Any help is greatly appreciated :)
A grind and a clunk are going to be 2 different things. I would start by checking your prop shaft UJ's. they can cause a clunk. Other than that you need to try and work out exactly where it's coming from.
Sorry about not puttibg that clearly, The grindy/clunk was me trying to explain the sort of weird noise it is making, it does it with it in neutral an no revs or anything. My own thought is it could be the slave cylinder is about knackered, but before i go replacing it just wanted to see if anyone else had any other things it could be
I got that but a grind and a clunk are 2 complete different sounds thetefor probably 2 different things. just bear in mind even when you are in neutral half the gearbox is spinning. The boxes are known for sounding "rough" so to speak and it might be worth checking your oil level as the grind could be from it. As far as the clunk when releasing your clutch I can't see how a slave would cause the noise. I would think its more likely to be a pressure plate or bent fork etc.

Thanks for your help mark, i will try change the gearbox oil this weekend and see if it solves the grinding noise.

Oh sorry, my bad, wasnt thinking
Just checked the level there, couldnt get any on my finger :eek: , i was told all was just done before i bought it 7k ago :mad: Im going to drain what oil is in, if any, an put new fluid in, it also smells like they might of used 80-90 gear oil or something
Iv had 2 boxes in mine, I swapped it as I was getting a rattley grinding noise. Swapped the box and its the exact same. After a lot if reading up the boxes just sound like that but as said change the oil and see how you get on. Remember and make sure you can get the fill plug out before you try the drain plug.

Also be prepared for a lot of metal on the sump magnet. That's common too
I changed the oil this evening, what a pig of a job to fill it again, someone had put loctite on sump plug too. Goid job you said about the fillings on the magnet or i would been bit worried to see the amount haha. The noise is still there, but ill just ignore it, "if it aint broke, dont fix it" as they say. Will be changing transfer box oil tomorrow, its a bit orangey looking :confused: . Thanks for your help :)
something i was unaware of until yesterday, the little tabs that go on the clutch for to hold the release bearing wear slightly causing just enough room for the plastic casing of the thrust bearing to turn more than it should, being plastic in time with the gap it can cause the bearing to spin completely and be frankly useless.

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